
Taiwan jam won three silver medals in citrus jam in the world! Jam boy Lin Yuxun: Taiwan citrus and honey are too charming

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Taiwan jam won three silver medals in citrus jam in the world! Jam boy Lin Yuxun: Taiwan citrus and honey are too charming

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Taiwan fruit and honey make jam to win the jam Oscar silver medal! Lin Ye-hsun, a "jam boy" who loves Taiwan fruit to embark on the jam road, produced three kinds of orange jam works using domestic citrus and orange honey and longan honey, and won back three silver medals in the British World Citrus Jam Competition, known as the "Oscar in the jam world."

In order to participate in the competition, Lin Jiexun prepared for two years and practiced no less than 100 times before signing up, and finally stood out from more than 40 countries, a total of 3200 bottles of jam. The three types of orange jam that won the prize are "Maguo Kumquat", "Longan Whisky Kumquat" and "Orange Honey Kumquat", regardless of the appearance, color, aroma, taste and flavor of the jam. Each item score is close to full score. "the only deduction is the peel shape, and you should cut it more neatly next time." Lin Yixun said.

Tainan jam boy Lin Yixun, who took part in the British World Citrus Jam Competition for the first time this year, won three silver medals (photo _ Lin Yijun) and fell in love with Taiwan fruit ever since.

Lin Hsien-hsun, known as the "jam boy," has a baby face. he grew up in Liuying in Tainan. After becoming a soldier, he worked on farms all over Taiwan for a change of night. Once passion fruit and red meat plums flourished, farmers were busy cooking jam. When he was a child, he helped his grandmother cook mulberry jam. "Taiwan fruit is so delicious to make jam!" From then on, Lin Jiexun fell hopelessly in love with jam.

Continuing this love, Lin Jiexun even started his own "Sweet Yuxuan" to make handmade jams, from Mariguang May peach with sweet smell, Tainan lantern fruit with sweet and sour fruit, and golden diamond pineapple jam with whisky. To the naturally cultivated rose jam with floral aroma, slightly astringent and sweet, each bottle of jam is his treasure hunt crystallization again and again, eating in the mouth is particularly sweet and sour and layered.

Jam boy Lin Lianxun (photo courtesy of Lin Jiexun) three jams are back to silver medal, horse message sets off citrus, longan honey improves the flavor level of jam

The three jam ingredients that won the prize this time came from all over Taiwan. Lin said that the ingredients used in the jam were kumquat planted by Li Tingcai in Jiaoxi, Ilan, and Dongshan longan honey, which was selected as a hundred green farmers this year, and Dongshan longan honey in the small town of Zhan Chenglin. And local ingredients such as Liuying's rising sun orange and Taiwan's native horse Guoshan pepper of Grandma Luoya in eastern Taiwan.

"I like to look for ingredients everywhere, especially to tribes, natural farming methods, and friendly farming farms." Lin Chih-hsun says that the tribe can find special ingredients, and the crops produced by friendly farming and natural farming methods are all impressive. "it's like the peculiar lemon fragrance and ginger flavor of this mandarin kumquat. On the contrary, it makes the sweet and sour taste of kumquat better!"

Open the longan whisky kumquat jam, Lin Jiexun added whisky and a small amount of red jade tea, with a spoon to dig, you can first feel the distinct acidity of kumquat, then the warm taste of kumquat and slightly sweet, followed by the rich aroma of longan honey and the warm taste of honey, rich and layered taste, impressive.

This award-winning whisky kumquat jam, and