
Herbicide spray red bean 06 "solid herbicide toxicity high fear damage local red bean reputation, prevention and inspection bureau rate expert pharmaceutical factory stated that it has been carefully evaluated.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Herbicide spray red bean 06 "solid herbicide toxicity high fear damage local red bean reputation, prevention and inspection bureau rate expert pharmaceutical factory stated that it has been carefully evaluated.

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(upstream and downstream reporters Li Huiyi, Zheng Jieyi, Cai Jiashan, Lin Yijun)

The Council of Agriculture plans to open up the use of herbicides for the harvesting of fallen leaves of red beans, but not only consumers have rebounded, but the farmers' associations in the largest two producing areas of red beans and the brand of Eagle beans do not support it, thus forming "who on earth is open to?" A dilemma. The Prevention and Inspection Bureau held a press conference yesterday (22) to reiterate that herbicide is safe as a defoliant, while in response to the ban on reproductive poison of herbicides by the European Union, the Bureau appointed pesticide manufacturers to respond, claiming that "herbicide is due to commercial considerations of the company." no license renewal is proposed, not banned by the European Union. "

However, according to the EU meeting held in January 2017, "the herbicidal property is very dangerous and the reproductive toxicity is 1B, which means that it does not comply with the EU regulations on plant protection products introduced in 2009." The Bureau of Prevention and Inspection believes that only high concentrations of herbicides can lead to the risk of reproductive toxicity, but the latest research report points out that as long as low doses can cause embryo damage.

In response to the fact that the Prevention and Inspection Bureau said that "farmers who do not want to be named" have always expressed their needs to the agricultural reform farm, so they have done the experiment of fixing weeds for defoliation of red beans. Zhang Zhilie, director general of Pingtung Wandan Peasant Association, said, "the farmers who do not want to be named express their needs." the agricultural reform farm did the experiment, but our peasant association gave a name and expressed the hope that the government could hold a meeting to find all parties to attend the meeting to solve the problem, but the prevention and inspection bureau was unwilling to respond directly. Is a named peasant association less important than an unnamed individual? "

The naturally deciduous red bean field of "Eagle Red Bean" (Photo courtesy of Li Jianhui)

EU regulations: permits for reproductive toxic pesticides shall not be issued or renewed

After the herbicide was put on the market in 1980s, more and more studies have shown the risk of neurotoxicity and reproductive toxicity. A scientific review released by the European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) in 2005 has pointed out that herbicide has high reproductive toxicity, "may harm unborn children" and "may pose a risk of conception that is difficult to repair".

In 2009, the European Union passed a new regulation on the management of plant protection products, stipulating that if the reproductive toxicity of pesticides belongs to the high toxicity grade 1A or 1B, approval certificates shall not be issued or renewed. The German Ministry of Agriculture said in 2009 that under the new law, the reproductive toxicity of herbicide belongs to class 1B, exceeding the safety threshold. Sweden, which is responsible for submitting the first draft of the herbicide audit report, also said at the EU meeting in January 2017, "the nature of herbicide is very dangerous, and the reproductive toxicity is 1B, which means it does not comply with the EU regulations on plant protection products introduced in 2009."

The permit for killing grass expired on October 1, 2017, because some farmers failed to make the transition and was extended to July 31, 2018. According to the regulations, the buffer period for EU member states to digest stocks after the license expires must not exceed 18 months, and now it has expired, which is tantamount to banning it. The countries that continue to use are in violation of EU norms.

According to the minutes of the official meeting of the EU Committee on plants, Animals, Food and Feed on January 27, 2017, herbicidal herbicides are of high risk and reproductive toxicity and do not comply with EU norms.

At the press conference of the pesticide authorities, the pesticide merchants unexpectedly came forward to fight, blurring the fact that the European Union explicitly banned it.

However, the ROC Prevention and Inspection Bureau believes that in the world, only the European Union cannot use herbicide, and other countries still use it. Yesterday, the Bureau of Prevention and Inspection unexpectedly invited pesticide manufacturers to a press conference to help explain. Qin Baohua, chairman of the Taiwan Branch of the Association for Sustainable crop Development (CropLife Taiwan) and associate associate of BASF, a major pesticide manufacturer, said, "Grass killing is due to commercial considerations, and the failure to apply for license renewal does not mean that it is banned in the European Union."

However, this statement ignores the fact that herbicide is clearly stated in the official minutes of the EU meeting that "does not comply with the EU regulations on plant protection products introduced in 2009", and even if the pharmaceutical company applies for an update, it will be called back. What is more noteworthy is that the BASF where Qin works is a big manufacturer of solid herbicides, and the products that sell well in Taiwan are called "Basta".

The International Association for Sustainable crop Development (CropLife International), which is a sister to the Taiwan crop Sustainable Development Association, is the world's most important lobbying group for pesticides and GM technologies. Its members include BASF, Bayer, Sygenda, and Monsanto, which was later acquired by Bayer, to promote pesticides and GM crops around the world and lobby government decisions. For example, the European Union is under pressure to relax the auditing standards for GM crops and spend a lot of money in the United States to oppose the marking of GM crops.

When the Taiwan Council of Agriculture planned to open up the new use of fixed herbicides and faced questions related to EU issues at a press conference, the representative of the pesticide manufacturer came forward to explain, highlighting the inadequacy of the functions of the Council of Agriculture. What is even more worrying is that manufacturers do not evade conflicts of interest at all and openly answer questions on behalf of the Council of Agriculture. It is very difficult for people to believe that the decision-making of the Council of Agriculture can be objective and impartial and ensure scientific independence.

Qin Baohua, chairman of the Taiwan Branch of the crop Sustainable Development Association and also a major pesticide manufacturer BASF, spoke at an official press conference (Photo / Cai Jiashan)

Prevention and Inspection Bureau: embryotoxicity is the consequence of high dose, the latest study: low dose can cause damage

The Bureau of Prevention and Inspection reiterated that it had made a rigorous assessment of the toxicity of herbicide, and after synthesizing a number of toxicity tests, the lowest "non-visible toxicity dose" (NOAEL) was selected to establish the standard, and the residual allowance of 2ppm was set according to soybeans. Therefore, the new use of herbicide in red beans will not increase the risk of feeding. The Bureau of Prevention and Inspection also believes that the toxicity risks reported in the media are the result of high doses.

But the latest research report points out that low doses of herbicide can cause embryo damage. French scholar Anthony Laugeray and others pointed out in a paper published in 2014 that low doses of herbicide taken by mothers during pregnancy and lactation are enough to cause harm to embryos and young children.

Since some studies have pointed out that killing grass may harm the fetus, while domestic pregnant women often drink red bean water to relieve edema, how can the government guard against these risks? Hsu Tzu-hung, deputy director of the Agricultural Drug and Toxicology Laboratory, explained, "at the beginning, we took into account different age groups, including women of childbearing age between 19 and 49." he believes that if farmers follow the way formulated by the Council of Agriculture, the risk must be within an acceptable range.

Xu Cihong, Deputy Director of the Drug and Toxicology Laboratory (Photography / Cai Jiashan)

Farmers may not use drugs in accordance with regulations, Supervision Institute: there are loopholes in the pesticide sampling and monitoring system.

However, the actual way of applying medicine to farmers is likely to be quite different from that expected by the Council of Agriculture. According to upstream and downstream reporters visiting the producing area, last red bean production season, the killing of grass is obviously not yet open, farmers in the producing areas have been "free to play." Hearing that the Council of Agriculture recommended a dilution multiple of 200 times, the boss of a pesticide bank said, "the dilution multiple stipulated by the government is very light, and the effect may not be very good." There are also farmers who have prepared their own formula to dilute the herbicide by 50 to 100 times and spray it with sodium chlorate.

Killing grass is not included in the 380 pesticide testing items that are routinely monitored, and additional tests are required. If it is officially opened in the future, how to control the use status of farmers? Xu Cihong said, "for non-routine tests, farmers use scientific and technological programs to monitor them. If we look at the residual values, we can see whether farmers are using pesticides correctly." In addition to terminal inspection, the Agriculture and Food Department will also conduct field monitoring.

However, the latest investigation report released by the Supervision Institute on June 9 pointed out the loopholes in pesticide sampling and monitoring: "the monitoring objects of pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables in the field are biased towards producers with 'Chapter 4 1Q'. The sampling results are inevitably distorted" and "taking this as the main sampling object is bound to overestimate the actual qualified rate of pesticide residues."

In addition, the report of the Supervisory Yuan also reveals the problems in the front line of field monitoring: "when local governments handle this sampling operation, they have to go to the vegetable fields and collection yards to take samples in person, and sometimes it is difficult to avoid human pressure or the skill of producers to avoid. Therefore, the selection of sampling objects is biased and cannot accurately reflect the dietary risks of the public."

Zeng Dezhi: the problem lies in pesticide management. The data of fixing and killing weeds have not been updated in the past 30 years.

In response to the explanation at the press conference of the Prevention and Inspection Bureau, Zeng Teh-chi, a retired professor in the Department of Plant Diseases of Chung Hsing University, said: "pesticides should be used professionally. Fixed weeds can be used as herbicides, but if they are used as deciduous agents, I don't think we can mess around like this."

Tseng Teh-chih stressed that the Bureau of Prevention and Inspection has to conduct a self-review. so far, there is no guidance system for the application of pesticides, and there is no botanist system. The government's regulations are very strict, but it is simply impossible to manage the application of farmers in the fields. Secondly, it is very important to update and master the information on the pharmacology of pesticides. The Bureau of Prevention and Inspection simply does not have a dedicated unit to conduct regular assessments.

Zeng Teh-chi, for example, said that from 1990 to 2006, the United States spent a decade reviewing all pharmaceuticals, and nearly 10,000 pesticides were re-registered, and later Canada followed suit. In 2008, the European Union also began to carry out this huge work, and the ban on weeding was completed in this wave of assessment. "on the contrary, in Taiwan, the government claims to do it. Does the Prevention and Inspection Bureau have professional people to carry out this work?. Or is it just an order for the manufacturer to cooperate? " Tseng Teh-chih has repeatedly stressed that killing weeds is an old medicine, and the data have not been updated or revised for 20 or 30 years. "does that make sense?"

The European Food Safety Agency (EFSA) re-examined the residue standards of herbicide in 2015, pointing out that there may be an acute risk to consumers and recommended that member States conduct further experiments because of the large differences in climate and environment among countries. The European Union constantly updates pesticide regulations, but it depends on the governments of various countries to enact domestic laws in accordance with local conditions. The EU experience is constantly quoted, not because of the strictest and lowest tolerance, but because of the constant disclosure of scientifically reviewed documents under the supervision of civic groups and the media, as well as the transparency of the decision-making process and the acceptance of opinions from all sides.

Prevention and Inspection Bureau: UAV spraying Youshan materials has reached 1220 hectares, according to the statistics of peasant associations: only 20 hectares

Back in the red bean producing areas, what farmers are most worried about is that none of the countries that import red beans have an open fixed herbicide as a defoliant in red beans, which is cheaper than in our country. If the local standards of red beans are more relaxed than those of foreign countries, they are likely to be beaten.

In response, Zou Huijuan said that herbicide can already be used as a defoliant for plant drying, and not every country needs approval according to the necessity of its use. In our country, we have to plant rice immediately after the red bean harvest, and it is necessary to dry quickly in order to get time.

"Grass killing is only an option, but we don't encourage it," stressed Zou Huijuan. The government will still provide "pull". In 108 years, those who do not use defoliant or chloric acid will be encouraged to subsidize 6500 yuan per hectare, and farmers will be provided with free registration to use nonanoic acid by drones. Nonanoic acid will continue to be subsidized in the future, but from 20 yuan a bottle to 30 yuan.

"the promotion effect of friendly farming is good, and farmers are very receptive to the incentive measures," the prevention and inspection bureau said in a press release. "at present, the area of nonanoic acid used by drones has reached 1220 hectares." However, according to the information provided by the Wandan Peasant Association and the Meinong Peasant Association, from the end of 108 to the beginning of 109, the registered areas of unmanned aerial vehicles using nonanoic acid in these two major red bean producing areas were only 3.58 hectares and 15.9 hectares, adding up to less than 20 hectares at all. the gap is as high as 1200 hectares, which has yet to be publicly explained by the Prevention and Inspection Bureau.

Zou Huijuan, deputy director of the Prevention and Inspection Bureau, guaranteed that there would be no health risks to open herbicide for adzuki bean defoliant (photo / Cai Jiashan)

Will rice be affected if red beans are not sprayed with defoliant? Eagle bean: will help farmers and wait for the leaves to fall naturally

The prevention and inspection bureau said that the opening of grass control is very convenient for farmers, mainly to allow farmers to catch up with the time for rice cultivation after harvesting red beans. However, the "Eagle Red Bean" team in Pingtung thinks differently.

Li Jianhui, CEO of the brand, says that at present, their contract area is more than 200 hectares, and there are more than 100 farmers. All red beans are harvested by natural fallen leaves, although the harvest time is a week or two slower than that of other farmers. However, "as long as the farmers are willing to follow us in a friendly way of farming, we will help them solve the problem!"

In response to the problem of rice planting in the next stage of harvesting red beans, Li Jianhui said: "We will help farmers book seedlings with the seedling farm, so that farmers can plant seedlings immediately when they grow rice. this is our planned production mode."

Wandan Peasant Association: for whom on earth is the government open to fix and kill grass?

Zhang Zhilie, director general of the Wandan Township Farmers' Association, explained that the government's total ban on the herbicide paraquat in February this year had a great impact on the production mode of red beans, but farmers had to accept it and try their best to cooperate with alternatives such as sodium chlorate, nonanoic acid, high-salinity nitrogen fertilizer, or naturally fallen leaves to harvest red beans. He stressed, "everyone is still in transition!"

But along the way, Zhang Zhilie often felt powerless. He believes that the government should support farmers who are willing to transform, rather than saying that some farmers open up to kill grass when they need it. On the contrary, this will discourage farmers who have previously cooperated with them. "now it seems that we can only rely on the power of consumers to change the specious and wait-and-see farmers," he said. As for the government, it should stand at a higher height than the peasant associations, rather than solving short-term problems will have a greater impact! "

In response to the statement of the Prevention and Inspection Bureau, "opening up fixed weeding is only an option, but farmers are not encouraged to use it." Zhang Zhilie was even more confused. "then I find it very strange that since the issue of risk has not been clarified, the government says that it is open to farmers but does not encourage them to use it. Is this not putting the responsibility on the farmers, causing unnecessary trouble?. Consumers will not accept such an explanation. "

Series of readings: a series of reports on "herbicide fixing weeds as a defoliant for red beans"

[little knowledge: red bean and defoliant]

Red beans need to be dried and deciduous in the field before they can be harvested. The traditional method is to wait for the leaves of red beans to fall naturally, and then in order to facilitate machine harvesting, most farmers use pesticide materials such as herbicide paraquat, which are sprayed on red beans to accelerate defoliation. In recent years, the government has encouraged farmers to switch to non-pesticide-friendly materials such as azelaic acid and sodium chlorate, and paraquat was banned completely in February this year. However, as the Council of Agriculture believes that farmers have a need to use herbicide as a defoliant for red beans, the Ministry of Health and Welfare cooperated with the announcement of the Council of Agriculture at the end of May this year to determine the residual 2ppm of herbicide in red beans.