
How should sow uterus inflammation be prevented and treated?

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, How should sow uterus inflammation be prevented and treated?

Sow uterine inflammation is the most common postpartum disease of sows, and it is also the most harmful to sows. Sow inflammation through excessive milk to piglets will cause problems such as yellow and white dysentery of piglets, and hysteritis will also lead to sow anestrus, repeated infertility and so on. It is very harmful to pig farms, so how should sow uterine inflammation be prevented?

Causes of uterine inflammation in sows

1. Artificial infection in sows during delivery

If the birth canal of the sow is narrow, the production is weak, the delivery time is too long, or when it is necessary to confirm whether the sow has finished giving birth, the pig farmer will give birth by hand, because the midwife does not disinfect the arm or is not sterilized thoroughly, it will cause external foreign bodies or microorganisms to enter the uterus and cause infection, resulting in inflammation of the sow uterus.

2. Postpartum infection

After giving birth, the sow is physically weak, the cervix will not be closed a few days after delivery, bacteria and viruses enter and cause infection, and the sow can not drain the lochia in the uterus within three days after delivery. The cervix of the sow will close 4 days after delivery. If the sow cannot drain the lochia within three days after delivery, the temperature in the uterus of the sow is about 39 degrees Celsius, and the lochia that is not excreted will ferment and rot in the uterus, produce toxin and produce heat to self-stimulate the endometrium, causing endometritis.

3. Infection during artificial insemination

Now artificial insemination is widely used in pig farms, but too much human intervention also increases the probability of uterine infection in sows. The proficiency of insemination personnel and vaginal mechanical injury are the causes of uterine inflammation and infection.

Prevention and treatment of uterine inflammation in sows

1. Quickly restore the physical fitness of sows and prevent postpartum fasting and anorexia syndrome.

2. elevated body temperature, repeated infertility, endless lochia, breast inflammation, swelling and pain caused by postpartum infection, mastitis, vaginitis, endometritis and other inflammation

3. Ensure that sows are in normal estrus, produce more piglets, reduce weak piglets and improve piglet neatness.

4. quickly clear the palace, warm the palace, activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, regulate the postpartum appetite of sows, and prevent endocrine disorders in sows.

5. Prevent diarrhea, enteritis and diarrhea of livestock caused by various bacterial infections, as well as intractable diarrhea of maternal young animals.

6. The health care of female livestock before and after mating can effectively remove all kinds of pathogenic microorganisms, improve the success rate of mating and litter size, and reduce mating infection.

How to prevent and cure sow uterine inflammation. The above are the causes and treatment of sow uterine inflammation, sow uterine inflammation has great harm to sows and piglets, it is necessary to do a good job in prevention and treatment.