
The three major drug contraindications when treating pigs, many pig farmers are wrong in them.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The three major drug contraindications when treating pigs, many pig farmers are wrong in them.

Because of the profession of veterinarian, I have come into contact with countless pig farmers. No matter how large-scale pig farmers are, they can often be seen making some very low-level mistakes. And some pig farmers have paid a heavy price because of these low-level mistakes, and pig farms may no longer exist. Today, I would like to sum up these taboos in pig farming. I hope that pig farmers will not go into these misunderstandings again.

1. Use only the best medicine

Many pig farmers think that giving pigs the best medicine can have the best effect, which is a big mistake. I once knew a pig farm whose pigs were originally very healthy, but when winter came, he wanted to prevent respiratory diseases and used well-known "high-end" respiratory drugs such as tilmicosin and azithromycin for health care. And the frequency of medication is still very high, almost 7 days a month.

This led to a very thorny thing: when his pig developed respiratory disease, he was treated with tilmicosin and azithromycin for 10 days, but the respiratory disease continued to worsen. As a result, time was delayed, and more than a dozen big fat pigs were killed because of respiratory disease.

Why is this?

This is not taking into account the problem of drug resistance! Any drug has drug resistance, and most drugs have a certain degree of drug resistance after continuous use of two or three times, some high and some low. In particular, floxacin drugs, such as enrofloxacin, give sows postpartum anti-inflammation, after 3 times, drug resistance is very high, and the probability of postpartum inflammation in sows is greatly increased, which is also a mistake made by many sows.

Therefore, the use of drugs should follow the principle from low to high, do not start with very "high-end" drugs. "high-end" drugs are known to be very good, but if they are used too much, the use of "low-end" drugs will not be very effective, and it will be difficult to control the disease in pig farms. For example, for pig farms to prevent respiratory tract, the use of very common traditional Chinese medicine such as florfenicol, doxycycline and Ma Xing Shigan Powder is generally sufficient.

2. One prescription a day

After the pig fell ill, he used the medicine once and felt ineffective, so he immediately changed the second medicine; after changing the medicine and injecting it once, it still felt ineffective, and then changed to the third medicine. As a result, the medicine is often wasted, and the pig disease gets worse instead of alleviating. Experienced pig farmers know that pig disease requires a process. For example, if the pig has a fever, the fact that the fever does not go down after the injection does not mean that the pig disease has not improved; on the contrary, a drop in body temperature is not necessarily a good thing, because the body temperature will also drop before death.

In view of this situation, I urge you to first learn the basic knowledge of pig disease, find the cause, and treat it with the medication plan of "curing both the symptoms and the root causes". If you are not sure, you can also consult the veteran pig farmer or veterinarian around you. Now the phone and the Internet are so convenient, a lot of things can be done by Wechat, unlike in the past, you don't have to get a veterinarian home to see a doctor. After determining the plan, adhere to the treatment according to the plan, many diseases can not be solved with a single needle.

In addition, many pig farmers see that the pig is sick, they give an injection, as a result, the fever has gone down, and the pig seems to have recovered, so it doesn't matter. This is also a wrong operation. We can take a closer look at the instructions for the medicine. Many medicines clearly say "continuous use for 3 days". Just like when a person is sick, doctors prescribe prescriptions for 3 days-7 days, sometimes half a month, because treatment talks about the course of treatment, and it has a treatment period and a consolidation period to prevent recurrence.

3. Love the method of using soil

I once came into contact with such a pig farm: the couple began to raise pigs in 1990, from 8 sows to more than 100 sows. In 2013, a "high fever mix" swept away the entire pig farm from fat pigs to sows. The old couple lost millions and wanted to cry without tears. The house and car that my son had promised to buy when he got married became a fantasy, and the son's marriage fell through.

A characteristic of this old couple is that they think they have been raising pigs for more than ten years. What kind of pig disease have they never seen? Their pig farms only use simple penicillin, streptomycin, oxytetracycline and other old drugs, but also like to use some small cubes, folk prescriptions, and pig farms never disinfect and do not have health care, or even do not do much vaccine.

I am not saying that earthwork and folk prescriptions are not good, and sometimes they can achieve unexpected results. For example, exudative dermatitis of piglets, commonly known as "oily dermatitis", piglets seem to be in addition to a layer of black oil. Some pig farmers know that it is effective to smear piglets with waste engine oil. However, this is only to treat the "standard" but not the "root", which can not stop other pigs from getting sick again.

Let's learn about the history of this pig disease, which is caused by staphylococci, so the scientific method that should be taken is to inject ceftiofur sodium into the whole litter of piglets, because the disease often occurs in the whole litter, and no disease does not mean there is no infection. May be in the incubation period; then scrub the body with 0.1% potassium permanganate water to remove the bacteria, and then sprinkle with penicillin powder Finally, the whole pig house was disinfected with povidone iodine for 1-2 times. In this way, the piglets can recover within 2 days and will not be transmitted to other piglets.

Therefore, whether it is raising pigs or other industries, there is nothing immutable. Pig farmers must constantly learn new technologies and new knowledge. ten years ago, the types of pig diseases were very different from what they are now, because new diseases continue to appear, and non-plague is a very typical example. Therapeutic drugs are also constantly changing. because new drugs are constantly being developed.

Conclusion: raising pigs is no longer a thing that can be done as long as you have physical strength. We should pay attention to science and understand pathology and pharmacology. The result of unscientific epidemic prevention and medication is: if the pig is healthy, you can make money, but it is very likely that it will not last long; once something happens to the pig, it will make you regret it.