
Technical management measures and attention of sows in farm during parturition

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Technical management measures and attention of sows in farm during parturition

Many farmers think that in the process of sow breeding, as long as do a good job in sow production management, can achieve very good results, in fact, this is a wrong idea, compared with sow production management, sow parturition management is also of paramount importance. The following is an introduction to the management measures of sows in parturition.

Sows should pay attention to the following points when giving birth:

1. Pay attention to observation:

Sows should pay attention to observe the dynamics of sows at any time and strengthen nursing one week before delivery to prevent accidents such as early delivery and unattended delivery.

2. Change feed:

For 10-15 days before delivery, sows were gradually fed with lactation diets to prevent indigestion and piglet dysentery caused by sudden postpartum feeding.

3. Add and subtract feed:

If the fat condition of sows is good and the breasts are dilated obviously, the amount of feed should be gradually reduced 1 week before delivery, and half of the diet should be reduced 1-2 days before parturition, and large-volume feeds such as coarse feed and trough dregs should be reduced so as not to oppress the fetus, or cause prenatal sow constipation to affect delivery.

Stop feeding when you find labor symptoms, as long as bean cake and bran soup. If the fat condition of sows is poor and their breasts are withered, not only should they not be reduced, but also soybean cakes and other protein feed should be added to prevent sows from having no milk after delivery.

4. appropriate amount of exercise:

One week before delivery, long-distance exercise should be stopped and changed to carefree activities near the pig house or on the playground to avoid miscarriage or stillbirth caused by fierce chase and collision.

5. Move to the delivery room:

The sow was moved into the delivery room 3-5 days before parturition to make it familiar with and accustomed to the new environment so as to avoid fetal asphyxia before parturition. But do not move the sow into the delivery room prematurely, so as not to pollute the birth ring and reduce the physical strength of the sow.

6. Removal of external parasites:

If lice or scabies are found in sows, 2% trichlorfon solution should be sprayed to avoid passing on to piglets after delivery.

Summary: the above is the introduction of sow breeding management technology, sow parturition management technology, hope that the above introduction can be helpful to the majority of farmers.