
Pesticides fall from the sky and are sprayed to rural mothers! Drone spray over the field, Prevention and Inspection Bureau: strengthen management in the future

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Pesticides fall from the sky and are sprayed to rural mothers! Drone spray over the field, Prevention and Inspection Bureau: strengthen management in the future

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When you ride a bike in the countryside, you have to worry about pesticides falling from the sky? When a novice mother surnamed Xie was cycling along Nanqiao Road in Yilan City yesterday (11) day, she was suddenly spilled on her left eye and face, and some liquid flowed into her mouth. She looked up and was surprised that it was affected by pesticides sprayed by drones. I urgently found the landowners and spray agents to confirm that the pesticides were used as pesticides. I washed them first and then went home to see a doctor. Fortunately, I was all right.

The mother surnamed Xie was in the breastfeeding period and stopped breast-feeding at first for fear that the breast milk would be poisonous. The emergency doctor said that Baimening is a fat-soluble pesticide. If she does enter the breast milk by mistake, she is advised not to breast-feed for a week.

The Ministry of Communications issued the "remote Control UAV Management rules" only formally implemented on March 31 this year. The Prevention and Inspection Bureau admitted that at present, there is only an ex post reward, there is no temporary inspection or inspection mechanism, and local governments will be invited to assist in the future. If members of the public spray by mistake, they can report to the local government or the prevention and inspection bureau for handling.

Pesticides fell from the sky when cycling home, and the mother was afraid to breast-feed because she was afraid that breast milk was poisonous.

Near noon yesterday, Miss Xie was riding a motorcycle along Nanqiao Road in Ilan City. After being sprayed by a drone on a spraying mission, she immediately stopped to look for spray agents and landlords. Xie reported that the operators and landlords replied, "they will also come into contact with the body at work. The pesticide is harmless to the human body. If you are worried, you can clean it on the spot." She asked the industry and the landlord to provide photo certificates for agricultural medicine bottles, and the pesticide used by the industry was paracetamol.

Miss Xie immediately went home to change her clothes and take a full-body shower, and said that the child was under two years old and was breastfeeding, and because she was worried about the risk of drug residues, she could only bear the pain for the first time not to let the child drink breast milk. After flushing, Xie went to the landlord's home, and the spray agent had disappeared. The landlord said that at the beginning, through the introduction of other landowners, he heard that he was "spraying 200 yuan per cent" and found it cheap to find Tian Li to spray on his behalf, but he did not know who the spray agent was, and there was no contact information.

Miss Xie said that after spraying pesticides, her left eye was sour and numb on the left side of her tongue, and her mood collapsed even more. Xie said that after eight years of infertility and three failures in artificial test tubes, she finally got pregnant naturally, so she changed her eating habits and paid special attention to food safety and nutrition. Then today was sprayed by pesticides, watching the child ask for milk but can not feed, can only appease the son: "Mom is sorry to you, riding a motorcycle was spilled by pesticides, milk poison can not be given to you to drink."

UAV can solve the problem of lack of work and rational use of drugs, but there should be no misspraying of pesticides.

Xie then went to the nearby police station to report the case. The police station said that if there were injury facts and proved to be criminal, the police could intervene and deal with them. If there were no injury facts, it would be civil, not under the jurisdiction of the police. After Xie went to the hospital to see the emergency department, the emergency doctor said that Baimening is a fat-soluble pesticide, which will indeed enter the breast milk if taken by mistake, but there is no research data to show the impact on the baby, and it is recommended not to breast-feed for a week.

Miss Xie said that she also has farming, and drone spraying can solve the problem of manpower shortage in rural areas with an aging population, and does not oppose the use of pesticides and support the rational use of drugs, but this should not happen. Miss Xie said, "what if the child is sprayed today?" I hope I am the last case. I should not be spilled pesticides on my eyes and mouth while riding a motorcycle on the road in Ilan. No matter how toxic the pesticides are, this should not happen! ".

In addition, Mr. Chen, who lives near Miss Xie's house, also said that after washing the child's clothes on the balcony a few days ago, he was sprayed by a pesticide drone at five o'clock the next morning. Because he was worried that the child would put the clothes into his mouth, he found that the child's clothes had been sprayed by mistake. I immediately threw all the clothes into the washing machine and washed them again.

Yesterday's drone sprayed with passers-by's pesticide paracetamol (photo courtesy of Miss Xie)

The drone needs to be "slow and steady" when it comes to a quick accident.

Hearing that pesticide spraying by drones hurts innocent people, Mr. Zheng, head of Haolifu Agricultural Technology Company, which also provides drone spraying services, pointed out that drone spraying must be "slow" and "steady". The key is that it is not slow enough. Zheng said that the company had experimented in the tea garden, 2 meters and 1.5 meters away from the crops, the effect of the application was similar, and the flight speed and wind speed were the key to the dispersion problem.

Mr. Zheng said that in the process of providing substitute spraying service, the most critical step is that the cooperative local pilots must confirm the weather conditions and cannot fly even if the wind speed or weather is bad.

Zheng explained that at present, pesticides used in cooperation with flying hands in various places will be brought by the culprits. in addition, spraying must be stopped during the process of spraying, before taking off, before grounded flights, and when someone passes by. "Neighbourhood and people are mistakenly sprayed because the flying hands snatch fast, and the flying hands who spray on people are too unprofessional!"

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) ready to carry out the substitute spray mission, not the aircraft involved (Photography _ Lin Yijun)

In order to save electricity, it is possible to neglect the safe distance and reasonable speed.

A drone spray agent in Gaoping area believes that the situation of mistakenly spraying people is really possible, and the operating procedures of operators in different places are different. The goal of UAV operation is to complete the task as soon as possible, because the battery power is limited. The time for UAV to stay in the air and turn is inefficient and will consume electricity. Generally speaking, the battery life time is less than 15 minutes, if the same industry in order to speed up the operation, go to the next place. It is indeed possible to neglect the safe distance and reasonable speed.

The operator explained that when he works, he will avoid the time of the crowd, leave a safe distance of five meters, and pay attention to whether there is anyone around him when applying the medicine. "spraying on people and on the road is unprofessional, and this is not a work area at all." The industry said that the current and available drugs in China are of low toxicity, and trace exposure will not cause toxicity to people, but the industry's lack of attention will also make people feel bad about the generation of drones.

The quality of flying hands is uneven, and unqualified drones are flying everywhere.

Mr. Zhong, the general manager of Huanhong Agricultural Technology Co., Ltd., said that before qualified flying hands carry out the substitute spraying operation, they should confirm the scope of implementation and whether there are any obstacles in the site, and should also say hello to the landlords and nearby residents. in addition, attention should be paid to the way of spraying.

Mr. Chung explained that farmers seeking substitute spraying services usually supervise the implementation of flying hands, but farmers generally think that spraying with water mist and the finer the water droplets is, the better, and will ask flying hands to follow suit, but in fact this is the most dangerous and has the highest probability of dispersion.

Mr. Zhong said that the substitute spraying of drones is a recent service, and many farmers are unable to distinguish between the pros and cons of flying hands, and they choose only on the basis of price, which also leads to uneven flying hands. Many self-modified and unqualified drones fly everywhere. "these unprofessional pilots will damage the reputation of the industry, and I'm afraid it will cause Bad money drives out good."

Because the load of the UAV is limited, the dilution water is much less than the traditional spray, so the concentration of pesticide is higher.

Prevention and Inspection Bureau: at present, it has not begun to check the substitute spray of drones, and people who spray it can claim compensation from each other.

For this case, the Prevention and Inspection Bureau said that the drone spray must obtain a double photo issued by the Civil Aviation Administration and the Council of Agriculture, and carry out the spray in the name of a legal person (for example, companies, schools, associations, etc.). The list of drone agents in Taiwan is posted on the website. at present, there are regulations on height and wind speed, and once it is mistakenly sprayed on a person, the parties can claim compensation with reference to a car accident.

Hong Yutang, head of the pesticide section of the Plant epidemic Prevention Section of the Bureau of Prevention and Quarantine, said that the risk of substitute spraying by drones is far less than that on the ground. at present, there are only cases of accidental spraying in nearby pineapple fields, and operators have not heard of people being mistakenly sprayed, and operators must abide by the regulations when implementing substitute spraying. For example, the wind speed is less than 3 meters before taking off, and the height of the drone should be less than 4 meters from the crops.

The Ministry of Communications promulgated the "rules for the Management of remote-controlled UAV" only formally implemented on March 31 this year, and the Prevention and Inspection Bureau also admitted that at present, there is only an ex post reward, there is no temporary inspection or inspection mechanism, and budgets have been allocated to local governments. In the future, they will patrol the farmland when the agriculture is busy, just like the temporary inspection of drunk driving, to confirm whether the spray agents are operating in accordance with the law, and to check drugs.

Drone operators who violate the rules can be fined 15000 ─ 150000.

Zou Huijuan, deputy director of the Prevention and Inspection Bureau, explained that all crops have announced the mode of operation of drone spraying. Take this case as an example, if the drone agent does not follow the specification and dilutes the pesticide to a safe multiple, it is tantamount to a violation of the Pesticide Law. The operator can be fined 15000 to 150000 yuan, and the party concerned can search for evidence and notify the local government or the prevention and inspection bureau. The police have the right to make the penalty, and the party concerned can also claim compensation.

Miss Xie said that in order to constitute a criminal offence, unless she is injured with her child, she is only eligible for civil litigation, but considering that she has to take care of her son and farming, she has not yet decided whether to claim compensation or not, and it is most important that she and her son are fine. If you ask for compensation, it may be a symbolic claim of several thousand yuan, and then donate it to the Breast Milk Association.

General Toxicology Department of Rong: if you ingest more than 50 to 100 milliliters of the original solution, you need to be sent to the hospital emergency. slight contact is not serious.

Will it affect your health if you are inadvertently sprayed with pesticides? Yang Zhenchang, director of the General Toxicology Department of Rong, responded that at present, highly toxic pesticides have been banned, and unless 50 to 100 milliliters or more of the original pesticide solution must be sent to the hospital, skin contact is mild and can be cleaned quickly. if you are not at ease, you can call the toxicology center for advice.

Yang Zhenchang said that whether the poisoning is related to the contact area and dose, if the contact area is large, and if the contact area is fragile such as the eyes, it should be dealt with urgently; if the contact area is small and skin contact, there will be discomfort at the initial stage, but it will not be serious. Yang said that even for children, the elderly and pregnant women, according to foreign literature and poison center exposure experience, exposure to trace pesticides is not serious, and there is little difference between water-soluble and fat-soluble pesticides, and the real key is intake.