
What if the estrus of a three-yuan sow is not obvious after weaning?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What if the estrus of a three-yuan sow is not obvious after weaning?

Youyuan: what medicine does sow mastitis use?


The main causes of mastitis are sow nipple injury infection, sow milk is not smooth, sow postpartum triad.

Can take infusion treatment: the first bottle: lincomycin 30ml Vc20ml + oxytocin 2 + normal saline 500ml, the second bottle: amoxicillin 6g + houttuynia cordata 20ml 5% glucose 500ml, continuous infusion for 2 days, note: postpartum sows should try to squeeze as much milk as possible during infusion, and the infusion will begin to reduce swelling in about 24 hours. At the same time, pay attention to environmental hygiene, use potassium permanganate water to clean and disinfect the breast, massage the breast, hot compress, for 3 consecutive days.

Xingyu Farm: what are the breeding standards for binary and ternary sows?


Pay attention to two points: don't restrict feed excessively before proestrus, and mating should reach the standard. The age of first mating of sows is very important. The age of first mating of binary sows is 220-230d, body weight 130-140kg, backfat thickness P 2 value 14-16mm. Ternary sows have a first mating age of more than 240d, body weight 140-150kg, backfat thickness P 2 value 13-15mm.

Futuristic Star: when is the best time for sows to be in estrus?


Several factors should be considered, ① through appearance performance, including sow vulva redness and swelling, mucus, frequent urination, static performance; there are differences between ② sows and parturient sows, estrus sows and ternary sows.

Backup pigs: the time of estrus is longer, you can choose to match 8-12 hours after she begins to have static reaction, and then 12 hours later, if there is still standing reaction after follow-up, 12 hours again; sows with extended estrus (more than 8 and a half months) are matched immediately.

Weaned pigs: weaned at normal time (less than 28 days of age), estrus for 3-5 days, can be mated for the first time within 8 hours after static reaction, and again after 8-12 hours; after 5 days of estrus, it will be matched again in 8-12 hours.

If you have been carrying the baby for more than 28 days, if you have a standing reaction in estrus after weaning, do it again in 8-12 hours.

Return to estrus pig: if there is no abnormality in the uterus, it will be matched when you find it (3 times).

Ternary sows: match if you have obvious estrus symptoms (2-3 times, do not have to wait for static reaction, in case you miss it).

Lu Shengwen, Hechuan, Sichuan: is it better to feed fiber nutrition in reproductive nutrition through the whole process or at a fixed point?


For sows, cellulose nutrition is as important as other major nutrients, and it has special significance for sows, not only to reduce constipation, but also to increase intestinal volume, increase lactation feed intake, increase satiety, reduce restlessness, reduce oxidative stress, promote the development of reproductive organs, and improve the vitality of piglets. Focus on the sow feed restriction period, the whole process can be added, but in some stages (such as lactation), the concentration of other nutrients may be less, so we should pay attention to the addition amount. We recommend that pregnant sows be given a daily supplement of 350 to 400g neutral detergent fiber (DNF).

Reproductive nutrition can be added throughout the process.

Yang Lianqing: how to improve the evenness of piglets and the number of piglets.


This is a very good question. To be honest, uniformity is more important than birth weight.

There are several aspects to focus on: the follicular development period of ① sows, before and after weaning, first, the fat loss of sows during the whole lactation period should not exceed 10kg, and second, the supplement of reproductive nutrition. The development period of ② fertilized eggs, that is, the first month of pregnancy, first, can not be cut across the board after mating (those who are seriously weaned and fattened do not need to be reduced, and those who are seriously weaned and fattened in summer do not need to be reduced, and reserve sows can be considered to lose weight). Second, it is necessary to supplement the addition of reproductive nutrition; the control of the fat condition of ③ sows, after more than 40-70 days of pregnancy, the weight of sows is controlled at about 0.2 per cent. In the later stage, the pregnant sow feed was used to attack the fetus, the parity structure of ④ sows was reasonable, and the mating operation was in place.

Wu Dongli: how can pregnant sows be fed to control their fatness? is it normal for sows to lose fat during lactation?


The fat condition of pregnant sows was about 2.5 points after mating, 3 points in the middle stage and 3.5 points in the later stage. Mainly through the feed through the addition of cellulose to control the fat condition of sows, not only the increase or decrease of feeding, but also to make appropriate adjustments in the nutritional concentration, both full and moderate nutrition. The same truth as people to lose weight is not not to eat, but to eat more food with less energy and less protein, but still have enough to eat.

Losing weight during lactation is a normal phenomenon, but it should be controlled within a reasonable range (within 10kg).

Leshan, Sichuan (Li Ping): president Zhu, may I ask that the reserve sow is not limited to feeding until the mating period, is it not allowed to feed freely?


The reserve sow is not unlimited, but should not be excessively restricted before proestrus, and needs to be restricted after the first estrus. Generally, the breeding is carried out in the second or third estrus, so the feed should be limited after the first estrus, and the sows should not be overfed. The feeding was limited for 2 weeks after the first estrus, and preferential feeding was given in the third week, that is, a week before the second estrus, to promote ovulation.

Worry-free water: what if the estrus of a Sanyuan sow is not obvious after weaning?


For sows that are not in estrus, stimulation such as exercise (driving exercise), light (16 hours light for weaning sows, 8 hours darkness, light intensity 200lx, keeping regular every day), and strengthening boar induction are the most important measures to promote estrus, and attention should be paid to the supplement of reproductive nutrition during lactation and preparation period.

VIP Branch-Shandong-Wang Jinlong: Hello, Dean Zhu! If the sow does not give birth for three days beyond the expected date, how to deal with it?


The parturition of sows at 114,118d is actually normal, but when the sows have no symptoms of delivery on the 115th day of pregnancy, the gilts can be injected with chlorprostol (half of the recommended dose) to induce labor (oxytocin 5IU 20-24 hours after intramuscular injection of chloroprostol).

Northeast Changtu 2258: teacher, when is the best time for sows to give birth in the positioning bar? How can you avoid a sense of urgency?


Give birth in the sky 3-5 days before the due date; conditional pig farms can spread sacks or straw on the bed to create a sense of grass nesting for sows and cultivate its motherhood. When I visited Germany, I saw that they had a special place for straw in the sow bed to cultivate maternal stability and emotional stability in sows.

Hunan Toupeng level: can bean dregs be used to add cellulose? if so, what is the proportion? fermentation is good or can be fed directly?


Yes, bean dregs is a better source of cellulose.

The moisture content and proportion of bean dregs are different, which should be grasped by yourself.

Fermentation is better.

Jiangxi Shanggao Song Weidong: can you give me an intravenous drip during production? What kind of medicine should I use if I want to put on an intravenous drip?


Infusion can increase the productivity of sows during parturition, and it can be carried out in time when the spirit of sows turns bad, breathing is slow and relatively weak: generally, infusion is started after 8 piglets have been given birth in sows, and 5-6 piglets can be infused in old sows. More sensitive sows can be carried out after giving birth to 8 piglets.

Bottle 1: saline 500ml + severe mixed serum 30ml+VC20ml

The second bottle: 10% glucose 500ml + Jiameng 30ml + Liyuan 20ml.

Blue Flame: what happens when sows have no milk or less milk after delivery?


Postpartum absence of milk and lack of milk may be caused by stress, postpartum inflammation, insufficient feed intake and insufficient milk of piglets, which belongs to a syndrome. The lack of emptying of colostrum is the main reason.

For sows with the phenomenon of returning milk, on the one hand, big piglets can be used to suck (if sucking capacity is not enough, several big piglets will be fed on the last nipples, which will be squeezed forward because there is relatively less milk at the back. You can suck all the nipples once and dredge all the nipples) or manually massage the breasts and apply hot compress with 0.1% potassium permanganate hot towels. The first bottle: lincomycin (2) + vitamin C (3) + oxytocin (1) + glucose sodium chloride (500ml) The second bottle: amoxicillin (2) + Houttuynia cordata (2) + VB (2) + glucose sodium chloride 500ml) for 2 days.

Jiangxi Shanggao Song Weidong: what's the difference between the inner three and the outer three?


The outer ternary is a ternary hybrid combination of three introduced varieties, and the inner ternary is a ternary hybrid combination containing one or two excellent local varieties.

Hunan Yizhang Li Congjiang: is there any good way for sows to bite their offspring after delivery?


There are more sows that bite their first litter. Because a sow has no experience of giving birth, the pain after delivery will make it think that the piglet is harmful to it. When the milk of the sow is poor, it is more reluctant to breast-feed. It is suggested that ① sows should make a muzzle and ② should be injected with chlorpromazine intramuscularly. ③ was given beer.

Hunan Liling Jingcha Livestock Pig Farm lacquer complete: how long before the sows are raised in groups and fed separately?


If the pregnant sows in the pig farm have always been raised in groups, they do not have to be raised separately. You just need to pay attention to fighting stress in the first trimester (30 days). Attack the fetus in time in the third trimester (90 days) to increase feeding and reproductive nutrition for rapid fetal growth (Zaiduoduo 1kg/t).

Li Yumin: can a sow without uterus be used again in the next fetus?


It is recommended that it be eliminated. Because once the uterine detachment occurs in sows, it can not be recovered in a short time, resulting in normal production activities can not be carried out, resulting in the loss of breeding value.