
Most people have got it wrong about the reason why sows don't have estrus and the normal order of reminding.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Most people have got it wrong about the reason why sows don't have estrus and the normal order of reminding.

First of all, let's talk about some basic knowledge of normal sows when they are in estrus. Under normal circumstances, reserve sows will have proestrus at the age of 6 to 7 months. If there is no estrus in 7 months after birth, attention should be paid to it. Postpartum sows generally show symptoms of estrus 3 to 7 days after weaning, and if they do not have symptoms of estrus for more than 10 days, they should be regarded as non-estrous.

Estrus is an important sign of the health of a sow.

If the sow is in normal estrus, it means the sow is healthy. If the sow comes to the time of estrus and does not show symptoms of estrus. That means there's something wrong with the sow.


Let's discuss the reasons why sows don't go into estrus.

There are many reasons for non-estrus in sows, most of which are improper feeding and management, or inflammation of reproductive organs, or abnormalities of reproductive organs.

The specific reasons are as follows:

Mycotoxin exceeds the standard, and mycotoxin is called the background disease of pig farm. Mycotoxin played a role as an accomplice and an important trigger for high fever in 2006. When the moisture in the feed is between 17% and 18%, the ambient temperature is between 25 °C and 30 °C. When the integrity of grain grains is destroyed, mycotoxins are more likely to be produced.

During lactation, the weight loss is too much, more than 15kg, the protein intake is insufficient, and the sows are thin. The sex hormones in sows do not return to normal levels, which will affect the reproductive performance of the next or several births of sows. Excessive fat, ovary and surrounding fat, causing follicular atrophy or cyst is not conducive to follicular development, affecting ovulation, resulting in non-estrus.

High temperature heat stress in summer affects endocrine and ovarian function.

Persistent corpus luteum or inflammation of the uterus causes pseudo-pregnancy, which prevents the body from secreting prostaglandin alcohol, resulting in non-estrus in sows.

Congenital causes, deformities of reproductive organs. Mild cases can be treated, and severe cases should be eliminated as soon as possible.


Specific treatment measures: specific treatment measures:

Generally speaking, the boar should climb across the sow or change the circle or enhance the light, or use the semen of the invalid boar. Big reserve sows can take bumpy stimulation therapy after various methods are ineffective. Those with moderate or low body mass can be treated with brown sugar. When the above methods are ineffective, hormone therapy can be taken.

Details of the operation are as follows:

1. Stimulate the sow with the boar, because the sow is sensitive to the smell, barking and striding of the boar, so the sexual desire boar chases the sow that has not been in estrus for 5 minutes at a time, so that the sow can often come into contact with the boar, through the boar lying across, stimulate the sow to secrete estrogen, cause oestrus and ovulate.

two。 750g brown sugar, put into a clean iron pot, heat and stir-fry, add 3 jin of water and boil for 15 minutes, fed once a day, usually three to five days after estrus, the conception rate is very high, this is suitable for medium or low fat sows.

3. Change the circle, transfer the non-estrus sow to a new circle, or put it with the sow that is in estrus, and stimulate its oestrus and ovulation through the span of the sow in the same circle.

4. Hunger therapy, feeding normally after two days of starvation, but with adequate drinking water.

5. Increase the light time to effectively promote estrus. Do not ignore the sun, the sun can promote the normal development of sexual function, promote the absorption of vitamin E. Bask in the sun if you can.

6. Semen from an invalid boar is sprayed into the nose of the sow. Natural physiological hormones were used to promote oestrus in sows.

7. Bumpy stimulation, large-weight backup pigs use sterilized cars to run back and forth on the dirt road for 5 to 8km distances, which can effectively promote sows in estrus.

When the above methods are ineffective, you can use PG600, estrus powder and so on to deal with.


Precautionary measures:

The reserve sow irregularly drives the boar to the sow pen at the age of 6 to 7 months for stimulation, which is of great help to the reserve sow in estrus. No more than five minutes at a time.

Control mycotoxins. It should be checked from the raw materials.

Strive to keep the weight of reserve sows above 270 jin. Mating for more than seven and a half months, not prematurely.

Adjust the structure of sows. The proportion of one-birth sows is about 15%, which can greatly reduce the second-birth syndrome.

Cooling measures can be taken in summer, such as installing water curtains, strengthening ventilation and so on.

A long period of non-estrus caused by diseases such as suppurative hysteritis. Or if the reserve sow is not mated 10 months after birth, it may be considered to be eliminated.

Sows in poor condition can be weaned ahead of time, and 2% vegetable oil can be added to sow feed in summer, which can reduce the weight loss of sows during weaning.

To write this article is to tell you. When the sow is not in estrus, it should be dealt with reasonably according to the situation, and strive to achieve the effect of natural estrus.

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