
The flower language and moral of tequila, what are the legends?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The flower language and moral of tequila, what are the legends?

I. Flower language and moral meaning

1. Give everything for love: tequila flowering is very rare, but in order to bloom, tequila has been working hard and dedicated to it, so it can only blossom once in decades. Its flower language is to pay everything for love, in order to open gorgeous flowers, has been dedicated and sacrificed for it, after flowering, the plant will wither, which also shows such persistence.

2, the pain of parting: in addition to the above flower words, tequila also has the meaning of parting pain, which can imply the sadness of parting. You can give this flower to those who are about to part to express your nostalgia and the pain of parting.

3. Farewell: the flower language of tequila has not only the meaning of parting pain, but also the meaning of parting, implying the reluctance to part from each other and the reluctance to part from each other.

II. Legends

Legend has it that a long time ago, there was a tribe in the plateau near the Mexican city, whose people loved peace and did not like war, and would fight hard only when others invaded them. Then the new leader, Metmock, took the throne and began to start wars everywhere. One day, Matt Mockden wanted to go to war with a tribe in the north in order to marry the daughter of the tribal chief. On the way there, I was influenced by the moon goddess and changed my mind and became meek and modest. Then the Moon Goddess turned Matt Mochden into a tequila for people to use to atone for their sins.