
What about the long spots on the leaves of Cymbidium?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What about the long spots on the leaves of Cymbidium?

The long spots on the leaves of Cymbidium may be due to the application of unfermented fertilizer, or the imbalance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which can also occur without changing pots for a long time. It is necessary to do a good job in prevention, control the amount of fertilizer, pay attention to ventilation in summer, and use the method of changing soil to control leaf spot disease.

The cause of long spot

Improper fertilization

The application of unfermented fertilizer makes the bacteria multiply in large numbers in the basin soil.

Improper soil exchange

The basin soil has not been changed for a long time, the nutrients in the basin soil are reduced, and there are pathogenic bacteria. If the plant has a wound, it is easy to get infected with bacteria.

Imbalance of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in fertilizer

Especially when the fertilizer is low in potash or fertilized, the fertilizer is directly in contact with the root. Rust spots on individual leaves are often caused by direct contact with a succulent root or a wound.

The solution of long spot

Take precautions

First of all, it is necessary to prevent the rotting roots of the plant so that the leaves can get adequate nutrition, and then it is necessary to put an end to trauma and prevent the spread of wounds, the amount of fertilizer applied must be well controlled, and hypertrophy must be avoided. Adult flowers in summer should not water the false bulbs, and attention should be paid to ventilation in summer. cooling to strengthen management, regular spraying of carbendazim, chlorothalonil, methyltobu, agricultural streptomycin and other sterilization drugs for prevention and treatment That is, it can reduce the occurrence of leaf spot disease and leaf yellow disease.

Replace the new soil

The method of soil exchange can be used to control leaf spot disease. When changing the soil, wash the fleshy root with clean water, dry it and then serve it in the basin. If some leaves are rotten badly, just cut them off.

Spray medicament

Germ is a kind of organic sulfur-arsenic compound fungicide, which can control a variety of diseases, such as white rot, brown spot, stem spot and so on. The solution with a concentration of 500 × 1000 times can be sprayed once every half month and sprayed continuously for 3 times for 4 times. Sterilization is unique to toxicity, so pay attention to safety when using it.