
The method of applying fertilizer to daisies, what kind of fertilizer should be used?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The method of applying fertilizer to daisies, what kind of fertilizer should be used?

1. Fertilization time

Daisies are very fat-loving plants. Therefore, fertilizers have to be applied throughout the growth period, specifically in the three seasons from spring to autumn. In addition, when planting in the pot, or changing the pot regularly, it is also necessary to mix some fertilizer into the soil.

II. Types of fertilizers

Some liquid fertilizers are mainly used in the growth period, such as organic liquid fertilizer and so on. During flowering, special attention should be paid to the application of fertilizers containing phosphorus, such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution. Bone meal can be used as base fertilizer.

III. Fertilization methods

1. Liquid fertilizer needs to be mixed with a large amount of water before use, and the concentration is reduced before use. It is easier to apply the base fertilizer, just choose the suitable soil and add it directly.

2. Because the fertilizer demand of daisies is more, so the frequency of fertilization should be more, the frequency of fertilization is better once a week or so, but the amount of fertilizer each time is not too much.

IV. matters needing attention

The main results are as follows: 1. It is necessary to loosen the soil before fertilization, and the effect can be better if fertilizer is applied after loosening the soil.

2. In cloudy and rainy days, it is not suitable to apply fertilizer, so we need to pay more attention in the rainy season, choose a good time to apply fertilizer, and avoid rainy days.