
Zhang Wei: talking about the cost Control in the Design stage of Pig Farm

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Zhang Wei: talking about the cost Control in the Design stage of Pig Farm

In recent years, a large number of large-scale modern pig farms have been built and put into production, and the structure of the pig industry has undergone great changes. However, due to the short start of the construction of large-scale modern pig farms in China, the lack of localization and standardization, there have been a variety of problems in the process of pig farm construction in the past ten or twenty years. One of the outstanding problems is that the cost optimization of pig farm has not been paid effective attention, and a lot of invalid costs have been paid in the process of pig farm construction, or blindly saving costs at the expense of quality, resulting in significant or long-term economic losses. In this paper, the author introduces the key points and methods of cost optimization in the design stage of pig farm based on his own experience.

I. the basic concept of project cost optimization of pig farm.

When we mention cost optimization, many people will understand it as structural optimization or design optimization. In fact, cost optimization is not only limited to the design stage, but also not a simple structural optimization. Cost optimization is to obtain as much benefit as possible on the basis of cost control, which is not only a technical problem, but also a management problem, which requires the cooperation of many parties. Taking the pig farm project as an example, site selection, design, bidding procurement, construction and other stages have a great impact on the project cost, but different stages are generally dominated by different departments or units, so it is particularly important to set a clear cooperation process and unified control objectives.

Cost optimization has different models according to different stages of development and external environment. There are three common cost optimization models

1. Cost optimization of accounting type

The basic work or primary stage of cost optimization belongs to ex post management.

2. cost optimization of target management and control.

It is emphasized that a cost control goal should be set, and pre-control measures should be taken to control the links such as land acquisition, design, bidding and procurement.

3. Supply chain cost optimization.

Reduce costs from manufacturers through strategic procurement and centralized procurement

At present, except for a small number of group pig farm projects with a large amount of construction can achieve supply chain cost optimization, the cost optimization of most pig farm projects is still in the accounting stage, in order to do a good job of cost optimization, it is necessary to gradually change into target-controlled cost optimization. For example, at present, the cost of many pig farm projects exceeds, because the economic considerations are ignored in the site selection stage. if only after-work accounting can not solve this kind of problem, we must put forward the control index in advance. The land in the southern region meets the requirements of biosafety and the planning of mountain areas is limited, and many plots have high costs of "three links and one leveling" and high cost of foundation treatment. In view of the fact that the cost of three links and one level and foundation treatment of this kind of land should be estimated in the early stage, take the sow farm as an example, the cost of three links and one level and foundation treatment should not exceed 1000 yuan per sow. If it exceeds the control target, it is recommended to give up the land or approve separately. It is necessary to put forward clear cost targets for different stages and implement the supporting reward and punishment system.

Pig farm project cost optimization is a systematic work, through the decomposition of objectives, supporting management processes and measures, and finally achieve the goal to achieve as much benefit as possible on the basis of cost control.

Second, the cost optimization goal in the design stage of pig farm.

The impact of the design stage on the project cost can reach more than 75%. The quality of the design directly affects the construction cost and the length of the construction period. The pig farm design stage is the key stage of cost optimization, in order to do a good job in the pig farm design stage cost optimization, each stage of the design should put forward the key control index, the following author puts forward his own suggestions on the control index for readers' reference.

1. Process plan design

Pig farm design is different from residential or public building design, technology major is the leading specialty. Process planning has determined many key cost indicators. At present, the process plan design is generally dominated by production managers, veterinarians or process designers of equipment manufacturers. there is little comparison and economic quantitative evaluation of the design schemes in the design process, and the impact of the process design stage on the cost is huge. Taking a 10,000 sow farm as an example, the outer frame of the limit bar is adjusted from one inch tube to six branches, the cost is only reduced by about 35 yuan per sow, while the size of the limit bar is adjusted from 0.68mx2.3m to 0.65mx2.3m, and the cost is reduced by about 150 yuan per sow. There are many factors affecting the cost in the process design stage. in order to facilitate the operation, it is suggested that the building area corresponding to the unit production capacity should be taken as the main control index. It is suggested that the control index should be designed separately for production housing, office and living housing and ancillary housing.

2. Construction drawing design

The quota design in the construction drawing design stage is more mature in the field of residential design, generally agreeing on the amount of steel reinforcement and concrete per square according to different layers and different locations. For the pig farm project, the single square steel content of the primary and secondary structure of the steel structure should be taken as the main control index. At present, there is a great difference in steel content between primary and secondary structures in piggery design, which basically fluctuates in the range of 8-20kg/m2. Some design units consider safety reservation too much, resulting in a cost increase of more than 100 yuan per square meter of single steel structure. If the steel pipe truss is adopted, it is suggested that the single square steel content of the primary and secondary structure of the pig house should be controlled below 12kg/m2. The corresponding control indexes can also be put forward for the amount of steel bars and concrete in pig houses, ancillary rooms and office and living rooms.

3. Other

Simply using the above-mentioned control indicators for cost optimization is far from enough, many cost-related practices can not simply extract controllable indicators, but can be defined through ready-made standards. The construction practices of pig houses, including roofs, suspended ceilings, interior and exterior wall painting, floors, gutters, etc., can be unified through the standard construction practice table, and some other general requirements can be determined through the standard general description of construction design.

Some practices that have a significant impact on quality also need to be reflected in standardized design. For example, the ceiling practice of piggery has high requirements for anticorrosion and airtightness. The author proposes to adopt the following approach.

Spunbonded polypropylene membrane waterproof and gas permeable (85-90g/m2)

-- 75mm+75mm thick glass wool double layer (unit weight 16-18kg/m2) staggered lap

-- A 10-wire PE steam insulation layer on the bottom

-- ceiling purlin (rubber-plastic cotton cold-proof bridge affixed under purlin)

-- 0.4mm thick YX15-225-900 galvanized profiled steel sheet, double-sided galvanized 180g hand M2 HDP coating, white.

Fig. 1 ceiling practice of piggery

Hydropower materials, steel structure galvanized layer, roof panels, steel structure fasteners and so on should also put forward specific requirements for materials and brands.

The cost optimization goal of the pig farm design stage should form the control index of each design stage, strictly implement and refine and optimize constantly. The influencing factors which are not easy to reflect by the index can be controlled by the way of standardized design. We should fully understand the situation of the industry for standardized design, and constantly refine and optimize it with our own experience.

Third, the cost optimization process and measures in the design stage of pig farm.

Understand the basic concept of pig farm project cost optimization and the goal of pig farm design stage cost optimization, through what kind of process and measures to do a good job of pig farm design stage cost optimization is the key to landing.

At present, the common process of pig farm project design is as follows, the constructor puts forward the design power of attorney and related technical materials (topographic map, etc.), the design unit carries on the construction drawing design according to the power of attorney and related materials, and sends the construction drawing design to the constructor for review after the completion of the construction drawing design. The process is prone to the following problems during execution:

1. The requirements of the design power of attorney are not clear, resulting in rework

2. the design cycle of construction drawing is too short and lack of process communication and control, which leads to rework or rough design.

3. Insufficient audit of construction drawings leads to many problems in the process of construction.

In view of these problems, the following measures are suggested.

1. The constructor should pay attention to the submission depth of the design power of attorney and related technical materials, and reflect the requirements of quota design and standardized design in the power of attorney. If the constructor itself does not have the relevant technical force, it may determine the requirements of quota design and standardized design by means of design bidding and design scheme election. The constructor invites the design unit to participate in the design bidding or the design scheme election in order to obtain a large number of design schemes and the corresponding requirements of standardized design and quota design; then organize an expert evaluation team to select the best design unit, or recombine the merits of each design unit to put forward the best scheme to complete the design power of attorney.

2. Sufficient time should be reserved for construction drawing design, and process communication should be strengthened. It is suggested that the confirmation link of the building scheme should be added. After the design power of attorney is delivered to the design unit, the design unit will concentrate on the design of the building scheme (the building scheme should include the general plan scheme, the vertical section of each unit, and the main structural practices) and compare and select the schemes. after the completion of the building scheme design, the scheme design review and confirmation meeting will be carried out. The constructor, the designer and the third-party experts entrusted by the constructor jointly confirm the construction plan and examine and confirm the corresponding control indicators to avoid rework in the construction drawing stage.

3. In the stage of strengthening the audit of construction drawings, the designer is strictly required to do a good job of internal audit, and the constructor should reserve sufficient time for audit.

4. strengthen the technical disclosure before construction, and before the formal construction after confirmation by the constructor, the constructor, the designer and the constructor shall make a full technical disclosure, communicate the common problems in the construction, and confirm the mechanism and process of the follow-up communication.

The above are some improvements that should be made in the process of cost optimization in the design stage of the pig farm. In addition to the process improvement, some supporting measures should also be implemented.

The construction side is the main body of the project management, but to optimize the cost of the pig farm design stage, we must fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the design unit. Most of the design units do not have a good sense of cost optimization and corresponding ability, and most designers' income is "low fixed salary + high output value bonus". The designer's income is related to output and has nothing to do with quality and cost indicators. the corresponding requirements must be made clear from the stage of design unit selection and contract management, and the following measures are common:

1. Design contract with clear limit design requirements

2. The rules of reward and punishment should be stipulated in the design contract, and combined with the reward and punishment mechanism of the design unit to ensure that the reward can be distributed to the specific designer.

The cost management of the construction side in the design stage also has the following management measures:

1. Design units and cost units adopt strategic cooperation and give priority to cooperation with strategic cooperation units, so that the design team is stable, easy to communicate and has high overall efficiency.

2. Conduct timely training, use internal and external resources to train internal management departments and cooperative units, share optimization results, and enhance the value of the project.

3. The project forms a review and summary mechanism. After the end of the project, all participants review together, share the successful experience, point out the existing problems, and further optimize the process and standards.

The cost optimization of pig farm in the design stage should rely on appropriate processes and measures, make full use of internal and external resources, improve the professional level and management level of the participants, and further optimize the process and standards by using the mechanism of training, sharing and review.


The cost optimization of pig farm design stage requires multi-professional cooperation and high professionalism, and project experience also plays an important role in cost optimization in design stage. In addition to a few group companies can organize corresponding teams, most projects still need to rely on external resources to do a good job of cost optimization in the pig farm design stage. In the future, pig farm EPC contractor and pig farm designer will gradually take the cost optimization of pig farm design stage as one of the key points of work. Professional third-party design consulting firms may also emerge in the future.

It is believed that with the efforts of all parties, the cost optimization work in the future pig farm design phase will effectively enhance the value of the pig farm project.