
The method of preventing yellow leaves from happening in Cymbidium

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, The method of preventing yellow leaves from happening in Cymbidium

I. Light

Clivia is a semi-negative plants, like scattering light, but avoid strong direct sunlight.

Indoor cultivation of clivia, to ensure adequate light, light deficiency, will make clivia leaves lose luster, yellow green and yellow. If clivia appears in this case, it can be supplemented by light to gradually recover.

Strong light, can cause clivia leaves dry, hard, leaves dull, leaf color light or yellow, so in the summer of strong light, to do a good job of shading.

II. Temperature

Clivia suitable temperature for growth of 15-25 degrees, when the temperature exceeds 30, will inhibit the growth of clivia.

When the air humidity is lower than 60%, Clivia leaves will appear wilting, leaf color becomes light yellow.

Therefore, in the case of high temperature, do a good job of shading ventilation and cooling; strengthen daily management, especially fertilizer and water management; in the winter of low temperature, do a good job of insulation to prevent freezing.

III. Fertilization

Clivia growth and flowering, will consume a lot of nutrients, if this time the soil nutrients can not meet the needs of clivia growth, then there will be yellow leaf phenomenon.

If it is caused by lack of fertilizer, it is necessary to increase the application of decomposed thin liquid fertilizer.

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