
Hualien sightseeing county, Chengbu bee six chicken farms will be important towns, the scale of a single field is as high as 200000, residents strongly doubt going north to protest

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Hualien sightseeing county, Chengbu bee six chicken farms will be important towns, the scale of a single field is as high as 200000, residents strongly doubt going north to protest

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Bobeng Company expects to invest in the construction of six chicken farms in Hualien, of which one egg farm has as many as 200000 hens, and the other five breeder farms each raise 25000 breeder chickens, but the residents did not know the news until most of the chicken farms passed the review and started construction, causing local protests. In addition to being dissatisfied with the lack of public information from the county government, they are more worried about the pollution of water, air and waste, which will endanger the overall tourism industry environment of Hualien. Residents launched a self-rescue operation, demanding that the company immediately stop the construction of the site.

The Hualien County government asked Bubong Company to publicly dispel its doubts to the public, and was originally scheduled to hold a briefing in Hualien, but Bubong cancelled the local briefing and chose to hold a media briefing at the Taipei humble House Hotel. Local residents were urgently mobilized to the press venue to protest, but they were kept out of the door, which deepened the public's misgivings.

The press conference of Bobeng Group was held in the hotel, and the self-help meeting entered the hotel to pull cloth strips to confront the hotel staff. (photo / Lin Jiyang) Fenglin Voice: Bu Feng has bad credit and must protect the honor of Fenglin's "International slow City".

Bu Feng's investment plan for raising chickens in Hualien includes the construction of an egg farm and five breeder farms in Shoufeng, Fenglin and Guangfu. Among them, three 25000 chicken farms will be set up in Fenglin, one of which is located in Fengyi, causing a great backlash among residents. Hsiao Wen-li, who founded the Fenglin Town self-help Association, points out: "Fenglin depends on the groundwater flowing from the Central Mountains, but the chicken farm is located upstream of the water source, which makes the people of Fenglin quite disgusted."

"We don't want feedback money or job opportunities. Bubong applied the year before last, but no one knew about it. I was the chief, and I only learned about it from the Internet. " Hsiao Wen-li stressed: "there was something wrong with Pu Beng before, passing the buck to the downstream contractor. This company has a bad record and no credit, so we Fenglin people are very opposed."

"Fenglin is an international slow city, where all the elderly live, and the children work hard outside. They have to walk along that road every day for 80 to 90 years. After the chicken farm has been stationed, trucks run around every day, damaging our way of life." Hsiao Wenli stressed, "Chicken farms should not be allowed to damage Fenglin's hard-won reputation as an international slow city."

Local residents: if you want to go sightseeing, not a chicken farm, the two development concepts are in complete conflict.

Shoufeng Township, Shuhu Village is the site of the largest 200000 large-scale chicken farm in this investment plan. due to the rapid development of tourism in Shuhu Village in recent years, it has also attracted many residential accommodation to attract deep tourists to visit Shuhu Village.

Villager Gao Xianrong said angrily, "Hualien sightseeing sets up a county, but no one knows that the township office and the county government have approved this plan, and the residents of Shuhu Village will build a 200000 large chicken farm. Shu Hu is a small village. How many trucks have to run around every day? The current industry only emphasizes that his procedures are legal and his equipment is advanced, but he has not taken into account the feelings of the residents, and has infringed upon the residents' right to live and live. "

Gauguin stressed that Shuhu Village has the tree lake trail and cherry blossom trail invested by the central government, which has become a secret place for tourists to visit in recent years. "I didn't expect that the central government invested in tourism here, the local government sabotaged it, and two things that were completely in conflict were put together. I don't know what the county government was thinking."

The Bubi Chicken Farm covers a wide range of three townships and more than a dozen villages, and the backlash of public opinion finally led the county government to suspend the examination of the last and largest Shuhu chicken farm. Provided by Donghua Xuesheng

In the face of the industry's statement that they had tried their best to communicate, the briefing was suspended because of the backlash from the residents. Gao Xianrong refutes the argument of the industry, "if there is no protest, the Jianzhao will be issued. It is because of the struggle that there is a suspension." He stressed, "if there is a fait accompli between the industry and the county government, it will be too late to fight again. thanks to urgent action, the biggest battle in Shuhu Village has not yet been approved."

Wu Yu-orange, a young man of the Mafo tribe in Guangfu Township, said that Bubong was set up in the Guangfu chicken breeding factory, which was very close to the Mafo tribe, but everyone was kept in the dark, and the tribe only recently knew about it. There are usually only old people and children in the tribe, and they may not be at peace after development.

The protest action of the villagers in Shuhu Village, Shoufeng Township, exposed the whole case, causing residents of Fenglin and Guangfu Township to express their dissatisfaction to Bu Feng in series. Xiao Wenli provided Bubong Company: sincere communication and willingness to clear up doubts.

The residents' worries caused by the Bobeng investment case mainly include: first, below the potential area of landslides; second, water, air, and waste disposal; third, past records of violations, especially last year's incident involving downstream contractors illegally burying sludge, causing a high degree of concern. Fourth, the process of purchasing land and building a factory is not open and transparent, and communication is avoided.

Bubong Company held a press conference today (5Compact 13), said that in view of the problems caused by underground water sources and debris flow potential areas, Bubong representatives put forward a map to illustrate that the site selection of the plant has avoided debris flow risk areas and underground water sources. As for the incident of burying sludge from chicken waste, he said that in the past, it was entrusted to the government to certify legal licenses to deal with the problem, although the contractor dealt with the problem of violations, Bo Beng has proposed improvement measures afterwards, including waste tracking, strengthening management spot checks, and requiring the operators to finally properly handle the certificate.

In response to questions from the outside world that the chicken farm first purchased land in the name of an individual and then developed it was suspected of avoiding being supervised, representative Bu Feng said that in order to comply with the restrictions of agricultural land laws and regulations, it was necessary to apply for the construction of facilities after purchasing land from a natural person. the company registration can only be transferred after completion. As for the public questioning decentralized development to circumvent norms, he believes that the breeding period of chicken farms is long and the commercial value is high, so the number and scale of each farm will not be too large.