
What flowers bloom the earliest?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What flowers bloom the earliest?

What flower blooms first? Such as according to the Gregorian calendar, the earliest flowering in a year should be wax plum, narcissus, camellia, etc., as early as before the Spring Festival opened. If the Spring Festival is the beginning of the year, it is the earliest flowering of Spring Festival. After the Spring Festival, the first leaves of winter jasmine bloom, it is full of small yellow flowers, ushered in a hundred flowers, ushered in a wonderful spring.

Yingchun is a deciduous shrub of Oleaceae. It flowers first and leaves later. There is no green leaf support when flowering. Yunnan jasmine belongs to the same genus, which is an evergreen shrub. Its branches and leaves are very similar to those of Yingchun. Its flowers are also yellow, but its flowers are larger than those of Yingchun. However, it is not as cold-resistant as Yingchun. It is planted in the south of the Yangtze River to avoid the wind and the sun. It can also overwinter in the open field.

Spring jasmine has strong adaptability and is easy to cultivate and manage. It likes light, cold, drought, barren, alkali, but afraid of waterlogging. Spring is not strict with fertilizer requirements. Before flowering in winter and after flowering in spring, topdressing is applied 12 times each, and flowers will be colorful. From spring to early summer, the branches of Yingchun grow vigorously and can be picked several times to promote branching. After autumn, cut the branches of the current year appropriately to facilitate flowering and growth next year. After flowering every year for pots, more fertilizer base fertilizer, and branches will be truncated and sparse. Growth period, easy to suffer aphid harm, can apply 1500 times dimethoate control. Available cuttage, layering, sub-propagation, due to cuttage easy and easy to survive, it is more used. Jiangnan area, spring, summer, autumn can be carried out. After planting, shade and moisture should be kept. After 20 days, roots can germinate, and then gradually see sunlight, and then transplanted in March. In order to make it grow upwards, it can be supported by pillars, remove the basal buds, and when it grows to a certain height, remove the terminal buds to facilitate branching, and then remove the core several times to form a drooping arch crown.

Yingchun has four edges of green hanging branches, to the scattered hanging, up to several meters, flowering long, is the ideal flowers and trees to beautify the balcony. Plant in the balcony fence flower box, let its branches hang down, like yellow green screen, swaying with the wind, unique flavor. In addition, the flowering period of winter jasmine can reach more than 1 month, and the branches take root in water, which is the best material for indoor cut flowers.