
In summer, how to make dormant flowers sleep better?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, In summer, how to make dormant flowers sleep better?

With the hot summer coming, some flowers will soon begin to sleep. Are you worried about how to manage these dormant flowers in order to make them bloom more brightly in the next blooming season? Today, I will bring you some tips on the management and maintenance of summer dormant flowers, so that our beautiful dormant flowers can sleep better and better in summer.

First of all, let's take a look at what dormant flowers are, what benefits dormancy does to flowers, and which flowers have dormant periods. Dormancy is a continuation of plant life activities and a special form of application to adverse environment. After the flowers enter the dormant period, all physiological activities will slow down, or even stop temporarily. In general, evergreen flowers and plants must control the temperature within the suitable temperature range for their growth, and only when they do not adapt to the environment will they show a short state of dormancy. Most tropical plants belong to this category. Temperate plants are completely dormant, if they do not get enough dormancy, it is disadvantageous to their growth and development. There are two types of flower dormancy, one is the temporary suspension of growth caused by external adverse factors, for obsessive-compulsive dormancy. One is the stagnation or cessation of growth in a certain period caused by the physiological characteristics of the plant, which is natural dormancy. In the annual growth cycle, plants are always in dormancy and semi-dormancy periods. Some summer dormant flowers enter the dormancy period earlier, most of the early summer, only retain the roots, leaves all off, such as cyclamen, dragon claw flower, Lycoris and so on. The dormancy period of semi-dormant flowers begins in midsummer, almost stops growing or grows slowly, accompanied by leaf withering and shedding, such as carnation, crabapple, bamboo crabapple, scented wormwood, geranium, carnation and so on. In the maintenance and management in summer, it is necessary to take careful maintenance according to this physiological characteristic in order to make them spend the summer smoothly and safely. Therefore, it is required to do:

First, control watering and prevent rain. For summer dormant flowers, the amount of water should be strictly controlled. at this time, if the watering is too much and the potted soil is too wet, it is easy to rot the roots; if watered too little, it is easy to make the roots of the plants atrophy. Therefore, usually watering depends on the dry and wet condition of the basin soil in a small amount, dry but not wet. At the same time, midsummer is a rainy season, which is very disadvantageous to dormant flowers, so it is necessary to avoid getting caught in the rain, such as the stagnant water in the basin, we should take the method of controlling the basin, so as not to cause flower root rot due to large water.

Second, pay attention to shading and ventilation. After the beginning of summer, the sunshine is strong and the temperature is on the high side, so we should take shade treatment and put dormant flowers in a ventilated and shady place to avoid direct sunlight. Sunshades can be built if conditions permit. At the same time, it is advisable to spray (water) on the leaves of potted flowers to reduce the temperature around the plants and flowerpots so that they can have a full rest.

Third, pay attention to the control of fertilization. On the eve of the potted flower entering the dormant period, the fertilizer containing phosphorus can be applied once, but the fertilizer should be stopped for the flowers that have entered the dormant period. Because the physiological activity of the plant weakens and consumes little nutrients, it does not need to apply any fertilizer, otherwise it is easy to cause rotten root or rotten ball, or even the whole plant to die. In addition, in cyclamen, after the tubers or bulbs of hyacinth, tulips, freesia and other bulbs are dormant, their bulbs can be dug out to remove dead leaves and soil and stored in ventilated, cool and dry places (lilies and other river sand buried) for the summer. When the weather turns cool and the temperature gets lower and lower, this kind of summer dormant flowers will soon perk up and begin to grow new.

Fourth, pay attention to the leaf picking treatment. In the middle of summer, for the flowers that have entered the dormancy or semi-dormancy period, the removal of withered leaves and the removal of old and weak branches are not only beneficial to the dormancy of flowers, but also play the role of releasing dormancy in advance, which is beneficial to blossom in the future.

Pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. In the middle of summer, if the potted flowers entering the dormant period are not placed properly, coupled with the hot climate and poor ventilation, they are often prone to black spot, sea thorns, shell insects and other diseases and insect pests. Bordeaux liquid, carbendazim, dimethoate and other drugs (used in accordance with instructions) should be sprayed and controlled in time after discovery.