
How to deal with Phalaenopsis after flowering? Butterfly orchids. Thank you. Where do you cut them?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to deal with Phalaenopsis after flowering? Butterfly orchids. Thank you. Where do you cut them?

Today, a flower friend asked Hua'ergu a strange question: can Phalaenopsis live after it blossoms? When I first saw this problem, we thought, is Phalaenopsis precious because it is reimbursed after only one flower? This kind of thinking is so real that people feel too special! If you want to ask: how to deal with or maintain Phalaenopsis after flowering? I think it's too good to ask such a question.

Well, since everyone is very concerned about the maintenance of butterfly orchids in bloom and after flowering. In this way, I think it is necessary for me to popularize the management of Phalaenopsis during flowering and how to deal with and maintain Phalaenopsis after flowering. Before that, I want to tell you that Phalaenopsis can still live after it blossoms! And it can be opened for the second time! Let's see how it is done.

Butterfly orchid florescence

Like many orchids, Phalaenopsis can not blossom casually, or even more delicate than other orchids. Phalaenopsis should grow flowering plants from small seedlings and maintain them for at least 2 years.

Generally speaking, the flowering period of Phalaenopsis is very long, and the flowering time and flowering time are also different according to the differences of Phalaenopsis varieties and conservation environment. It is common for Phalaenopsis to bloom around the Spring Festival. As for before or after the Spring Festival, we need to make a specific analysis according to different circumstances.

Phalaenopsis can usually be watched for two or three months after flowering. After flowering, if we take care of it properly, we can blossom again.

The treatment method of butterfly orchid

The flowers of Phalaenopsis are intoxicating like beautiful butterflies. There are always times when flowers bloom, but they always give people a kind of inexplicable sadness. Many flower lovers feel that Phalaenopsis has already bloomed and has no value for further conservation, so it is just discarded. Little do you know that Phalaenopsis can bloom for the second time.

So since you can blossom for the second time, how to deal with Phalaenopsis after flowering? The way to deal with butterfly orchids after fade is to cut off their stems.

Cut it off when you say so. How to cut it is still fastidious! The first method of cutting is to cut the flowering stem from about 5 knots from the surface of the soil. This cutting method is so that Phalaenopsis can blossom again in 2 to 3 months! Flower friends who want to continue to see the beautiful Phalaenopsis in that year can try this cut! But then again, although this cutting method can watch Phalaenopsis blossom twice, it will lead to a lot of nutrient consumption. How many times the growth in the coming year will have an impact.

The second shearing method is to cut the flower stem of Phalaenopsis from the surface of the soil layer, which will reduce a lot of nutrient consumption and make Phalaenopsis grow better in the coming year. The disadvantage is that we won't see a second flowering this year.

However, for nutrients, Hua'ergu still prefers to use the first pruning method. Nutrients, we can replenish them manually. As long as we take good care of it, it will be just as beautiful in the coming year.

No matter which kind of shearing, we need to be serious about the post-flowering conservation of Phalaenopsis. We should water it and fertilize it. If long-term non-fertilization will lead to a lack of nutrients, it will be difficult to see Phalaenopsis blossom in the coming year. At the same time, we should pay attention to observe the soil, the consolidated soil is not conducive to the growth of Phalaenopsis, we need to supplement or replace the basin soil in time. Otherwise, the poor permeability of the consolidated soil will lead to the death of Phalaenopsis.

Phalaenopsis basin change time we usually in May, change basin should pay attention to sterilization and antivirus, properly trim its roots, maintenance when we put in a well-ventilated place, is more conducive to growth.