
The gentleman orchid grows very well, but what if it doesn't blossom?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, The gentleman orchid grows very well, but what if it doesn't blossom?

Gentleman orchid is a very common flower, raised at home can not only purify the air, but also make the home full of vitality. But many people feel that they have been raising orchids for a long time, and the cotyledons grow vigorously, but for some reason, they always do not bloom, which is very distressing. So, how is it that the magnolia does not blossom?

Lack of fertilizer

Plant growth is inseparable from the help of fertilizer, usually in the maintenance of time if you do not give it sufficient fertilizer may affect the growth of plants. If the magnolia grows well, but does not blossom, it is most likely due to the lack of phosphate fertilizer. Because phosphorus can promote the rooting, sprouting and flowering of plants, it is easy to let Magnolia only grow but not blossom if there is a lack of phosphate fertilizer. Therefore, a little phosphate fertilizer can be applied at this time, and the magnolia will bloom continuously after a period of time.

Maybe there's not enough light.

Light is a necessary condition for plant growth, but different plants have different conditions of receiving light. Magnolia likes scattered light, so you can put it in a place with bright light during maintenance. However, if the light is too weak, the growth of the orchid will be affected, and the flowering will naturally be affected and will not bloom. Therefore, the gentleman orchid should give it sufficient light, of course, the strong light in summer should pay attention to appropriate shading.

Insufficient watering

Underwatering is also one of the reasons why orchids do not blossom. When watering at ordinary times, underwatering or too much watering will not make magnolia grow very well. Or it grows well, but it won't blossom. Therefore, when watering, water is usually watered once a day in spring, a little more in summer, about once every two days in autumn, and once a week in winter.

There is a problem with the basin soil.

Potted soil is necessary for the growth of magnolia. When raising magnolia, some soil with good permeability and adequate nutrition is generally used, but not changing the soil for a long time may cause problems in the basin soil, such as lack of nutrition, soil consolidation and so on. These problems will keep the orchid from blooming. Therefore, it is best to change the basin soil once a year when raising orchids, so that orchids can grow and blossom better.