
Is Brazilian Iris an orchid?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Is Brazilian Iris an orchid?

Brazilian Iris is not an orchid species, but a separate perennial herb of Iridaceae. The plant style may be similar to that of orchids, but don't confuse the two. The plant grows taller and the florescence lasts from April to September. The development adaptability is very strong, like to grow in a warm and humid environment, commonly used ramet cultivation.

1. Not orchids

Brazilian Iris does not belong to orchid species. It is a perennial herb of Iridaceae and belongs to a separate genus of Brazilian Iris. It may be similar to orchids in appearance, but don't be confused with orchids. Each species has its own characteristics.

2. Plant style

The plant height of Brazilian iris can reach 40cm to 50cm, the leaves are fan-shaped and arranged, and the florescence lasts for a long time, from spring to summer. Flowers usually bloom in the morning and begin to wither from 3 to 4 p.m. The color of the flowers is mainly white, with reddish-brown or purple-brown base spots.

3. Growth environment

Brazilian iris has a strong ability to adapt to the growth, and can develop under all-day, half-day or scattered light. Usually, it grows well in the loose and humid soil, but in terms of temperature, we should pay attention to the freezing damage caused by the low temperature environment, which affects the growth rhythm of Brazilian iris.

4. Methods of reproduction

Brazilian iris is usually cultivated in ramets. Ramet is suitable for spring, summer and autumn, leading the young plant on the flower stem to the soil surface, that is, it can root into a new plant. After the ramet, the old leaves and yellow leaves should be removed regularly, and the maintenance measures such as fertilizer application and water irrigation should also be done.