
Common maintenance methods of perennial flowers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Common maintenance methods of perennial flowers

Perennial flowers are perennials. Strong growth and long life span. After one planting, it can grow for many years, in the cold area, all the aboveground stems and leaves withered Trichosanthes, only the underground roots overwintered in the dormant state, and began to sprout and grow again in the next spring. Common flowers such as: chrysanthemum, peony, hollyhock, a yellow flower, hairpin, mint, Platycodon grandiflorum, Iris, Iris, day lily and so on all belong to this category. The ones that remain evergreen in the greenhouse are asparagus, asparagus, orchid, evergreen, Ophiopogon, orchid, parasol, perilla and so on.

Cultivation methods of Paeonia lactiflora

Paeonia lactiflora, also known as white peony & # 39;, Hangzhou white peony, golden peony, is a famous herbaceous flower of the genus Paeoniae Paeoniae.

When does Paeonia lactiflora blossom, how to raise Paeonia lactiflora after budding, the difference between Peony and Peony

The difference between Paeonia lactiflora and Peony

Cultivation methods of hollyhock

Hollyhock is a plant of the genus Hollyhock of Malvaceae, also known as Artemisia angustifolia, ripe season flower, hemp rod flower, military sunflower, Wu sunflower, foot sunflower, horseback.

How to grow hollyhocks? Cultivation methods of Hosta

Hosta is a plant of the genus Phyllostachys in the winter family and an ornamental plant in the courtyard.

Pots or plants every spring. Pot cultivation changes to a basin every spring, and the ground is planted for about 3 years. The new plant is placed in the shade after planting and can be managed normally after the growth is restored. Potted soil usually uses humus, peat or sandy soil.

Temperature and light

Hosta is a good shade-loving plant, and it is better to plant in the shade that is not exposed to direct sunlight. Indoor potted plants can be put in Ming Dynasty.

Bright indoor viewing, can not be placed in a place with direct sunlight, otherwise the leaves will have serious sunburn disease. When the weather gets colder at the end of autumn, the leaves gradually wither and yellow. If you enter the house in winter, you can spend the winter in a cold room of 0-5 ℃, and then change the pot and ramet in the following spring. Open field cultivation can overwintering with a little mulch.

In a growing environment of more than 34 ℃, the correct treatment is:

(1) strengthen the air convection as much as possible to facilitate its transpiration and lower the temperature in the body.

(2) spray the leaf surface 2-4 times a day: the higher the temperature, the more times. Spray less or not when the temperature is low or on rainy days.

(3) spray wet the ground around it, which is very helpful to reduce the ambient temperature around it.

In the growth environment below 0 ℃, the correct treatment is:

(1) move it to a room with no less than 0 ℃ to survive the winter

(2) if it cannot be moved, it needs to be wrapped in straw or buried in soil.

(3) when the temperature drops further, consider wrapping it with a thin film, but uncover the film every two days when the temperature is high at noon to let it breathe.

Watering and fertilization

Rarefied liquid fertilizer was applied every 7-10 days during the growing period. Nitrogen fertilizer and a small amount of phosphorus fertilizer can be applied as topdressing during spring germination and before flowering. Areas with low rainfall during the growing period should be often watered to loosen the soil to facilitate growth. Properly control watering and stop fertilizing in winter.

Propagation method of Hosta how to raise mint with Hosta

Peppermint from August to October, fruit from September to November, its smell has a strong penetrating power, cool and awakening. Almost all mint varieties like wet and cool places, and generally speaking, peppermint can also grow in a sunny, warm and humid climate. The soil with deep soil layer rich in organic matter is better, has strong moisture resistance, but is not resistant to drought and avoid sunlight. Because of its expansive growth, mint is usually regarded as an invasive species. When planting indoors, if there is not enough sunshine, there will be a phenomenon of overgrowth.

Campanula grandiflorum

Platycodon grandiflorum, also known as Platycodon grandiflorum, growing in China, Korean Peninsula, Japan and eastern Siberia. The root can be used as medicine, and the tender leaves can be pickled into pickles, which is called "Goubao" pickles in northeast China. In the Korean Peninsula, China's Yanbian region, Platycodon grandiflorum is a famous kimchi ingredient, which is described in the local folk song "Platycodon grandiflorum Ballad". By name alone, some people may mistakenly think that Platycodon grandiflorum is the stem of orange, but in fact it is not directly related to orange or citrus.

The peak growing season of Platycodon grandiflorum is from June to September. Topdressing should be applied in late June and July depending on plant growth. Manure is mainly human and animal manure, combined with a small amount of phosphate fertilizer and urea. Whether it is direct seeding or seedling transplanting, it should be watered during drought. Stagnant water in the field in the rainy season, Platycodon grandiflorum is very easy to rot roots, should pay attention to drainage. The flowering period of Platycodon grandiflorum is as long as 4 months, and picking flowers is also an important measure to increase yield.


Iris (scientific name: Iristectorum), also known as Iris on the roof (Chinese Journal of Botany), Blue Butterfly (Guangzhou), Purple Butterfly, Bamboo Flower (Shaanxi), Toad Seven (Hubei), belongs to the genus Iris of Iridaceae.

Ma Lian

It is a variety of Iris of Iridaceae. Born in wasteland, roadside, hillside grassland, especially in overgrazed saline-alkalized grassland.

Ma Lian's adaptability to the soil is still relatively strong, so it is OK to use well-drained sandy loam when breeding.

Get rid of weeds in the soil before transplanting to ensure that nutrients are not lost and that the base fertilizer is adequate so that the lotus can grow exuberantly for a long time.


Although hemerocallis flowers are mainly produced in China, they have not been improved for a long time. After the 1930s, some botanical gardens and horticulturists in the United States collected plants of the genus Hemerocallis from China, Japan and other countries for cross breeding. now there are more than 10,000 varieties, which has become an important ornamental and cut flower. it is also the largest variety of flowers in the lily family.

Hemerocallis has strong growth, strong adaptability and cold tolerance. It can grow in dry, moist and barren soil, but the growth and development is poor, and the flowering is small and few. Therefore, during the growth period (from the beginning of growth to before flowering), proper irrigation should be given in case of drought, and attention should be paid to drainage in case of rain and waterlogging. Before sprouting in early spring, base fertilizer was applied first, thin soil was covered, and then the root was planted. The row spacing of the plant was 30ml / 40cm. After planting, the plant was watered thoroughly. During the growing period, topdressing was applied every 2m / ml every 3 weeks, and new high-fat film was sprayed to protect soil moisture. Apply a rotten organic fertilizer before winter.

There is almost no management when making ground cover plants.

Cultivation methods of asparagus

Asparagus is a very high ornamental plant, can be placed in the living room, study, purify the air at the same time also add bookish flavor. Root medicine can treat acute tracheitis and has the function of moistening the lung and relieving cough.

1. Potted soil: fertile sandy loam should be used to cultivate asparagus, which should be warm and humid, rich in rotten branches and good drainage. Generally, it can be prepared in the proportion of 4 parts of garden soil, 2 parts of rotten leaf soil, 2 parts of compost soil and 1 part of sand. And to change the soil regularly to add fertilizer. If excessive fertilization causes "watering roots", it is necessary to pour the pot to remove the fertilizer, irrigate the soil with clean water, and then put it into the new soil for breeding.

2. Watering: watering is the key point of asparagus cultivation and culture. too much watering and too wet basin soil can easily cause root rot, and too little watering will lead to scorched and yellowed leaf tips. Therefore, in the process of watering, it depends on the weather, growth and the dry and wet condition of the basin soil, so that if it is not dry, it will be watered thoroughly. When the weather is hot and dry, water spraying can be used to humidify and cool the leaves, but less watering is needed in winter.

3. Fertilization: asparagus is not good at fertilizer, but it can not be short of fertilizer. Limited by potted soil, asparagus culture must replenish nutrients in time to meet the growth requirements. In the process of fertilizing asparagus, it is necessary to apply more times and less amount, and do not apply thick fertilizer, otherwise it will cause leaf yellowing. Generally, you can choose to apply rotten thin liquid fertilizer once a month, and after the plant grows and finalizes, you can properly control and reduce fertilization. During the growing period, thin fertilizers containing ammonia and phosphorus should be applied once or twice a month to promote the growth of branches and leaves, as well as other liquid fertilizers. It should be noted that not too much fertilizer should be applied at flowering stage, and liquid fertilizer should be applied twice in May-June and September-October respectively.

4. Lighting: asparagus culture can not be exposed to the hot sun, hot season, should be placed in a cool and ventilated place. At the same time, asparagus flowering is not only afraid of wind, but also afraid of rain, should pay attention to good ventilation, good weather can be properly placed outside to receive sunlight. The temperature of potted asparagus in winter should be kept above 5 ℃ to avoid freezing.

5. Display: asparagus loves a clean and well-ventilated environment. If stimulated by harmful gases such as smoke, gas and pesticides, the leaves will turn yellow, curl and even die. Therefore, asparagus should be placed in a clean, well-ventilated environment, away from marble decorative materials that release mercury gas.

6. Plant pruning:

Lack of pruning of leafy branches: when the growth position of leafy branches on the main branch is not ideal or missing for some reason, short pruning can be carried out in the appropriate position of the main branch to force the hidden buds to germinate. In general, the height of truncation is the height of leafy branch germination, and the position of prickles on the branch is the location of leafy branch germination, and the thicker the branch is, the higher the germination rate of hidden bud is.

Renewal pruning of the whole plant: if the branches and leaves of the whole plant grow poorly due to strong sunburn or over-drying of basin soil, lack of fertilizer and for some unknown reason, the whole plant can be renewed. When renewing and pruning, all the leafy branches can be cut off, but we should pay attention to the parts of the branches, because they determine whether the distribution of the remaining branches is uniform. Pruning in the growing season is generally high and easy to sprout new branches, and the amount of water should be reduced appropriately after pruning, never make the basin soil too wet, otherwise it will lead to pruning failure.

Tianmen winter

Perennial climbing plant with tufted fusiform fleshy roots underground; leaf degradation is not significant; the function of leaves is replaced by green linear leafy branches. Also known as Si Dong, Tianji, astronomical winter, Wanzang vine, Dadang door root, Tiandong, tomorrow winter. Distributed in central China and the Yangtze River basin.

Magnolia paniculata


The orchid should have no less than 4 hours of direct light every day, preferably all day long.


Usually, the growth of Magnolia paniculata is hindered above 40 ℃, frozen below 0 ℃, and grows well in the range of 18 ℃-30 ℃. It is best to keep the temperature at night (13 ℃-18 ℃) and during the day (31 ℃-35 ℃).

Fertilizer and water

Ensure an adequate and regular water supply.


Evergreen (scientific name: Rohdeajaponica) is a kind of perennial evergreen herbaceous plant, which is also known as Jian, thousand-year-old, open-throated sword, Jiujie lotus, winter does not wither, winter does not wither grass, iron pole, ebony venom, white sand grass, chopping snake sword, etc., originated in southern China and Japan, is a very popular excellent ornamental plant, in China has a long history of cultivation.

Evergreen likes warmth and humidity, waterlogging and semi-shade, not drought, semi-shade, sun exposure, cold tolerance, slightly fertile weak acid soil, but neutral and weakly alkaline soil can also grow, so a little fertilization can be applied.

Evergreen can be propagated by ramet or sowing, which is best in spring and autumn. If sowing, the fleshless seeds will be planted in the soil from March to April to keep the soil moist. The suitable temperature is 2030 ℃, and it can germinate after about 30 days. Evergreen is easy to cultivate, has strong adaptability, a small amount of fertilization, pay attention to shade, pay attention to ventilation, pay attention to the temperature of its environment above 0 ℃ in winter, it can grow well.

Upland parasol

Like a warm and humid environment, ventilated and exposed to the sun, a cool environment is best, do not expose yourself to the sun. It is important to note that water bamboo can't stand the cold. A clay environment with warm and wet soil and more decaying vegetation. As long as the temperature in winter is no less than 5 ℃.

Brocade perilla

Perilla frutescens, distributed in India, Indonesia, Nepal and other countries, is a temperature-loving plant. Strong adaptability, winter temperature is not less than 10 ℃, summer shade, like sufficient sunshine, sufficient light can make the leaf color bright.