
Do orchids have buds to fertilize? six points for attention in orchid fertilization.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Do orchids have buds to fertilize? six points for attention in orchid fertilization.

Many people like to raise orchids, but they do not blossom for a long time, mainly because of improper methods. When raising orchids, flower friends must pay attention to the fact that if there is something wrong with the roots of orchids and when the buds are not full, do not apply fertilizer. In addition, it is not suitable to apply fertilizer at noon, early spring and summer. Farmed orchids are generally placed in an open and humid environment, with the direct light of the sun, reasonable fertilization will produce beautiful flowers. Some flower friends want to spend more beautiful flowers and more buds, is it appropriate to fertilize a lot of fertilizer when the orchid enters its flowering period? Do orchids have buds that can be fertilized?

Orchids with buds should not be fertilized

I came from the mountains, brought orchids and planted them in a small garden, hoping to blossom well. If you look at it three times a day, you can look at the flowers for too long; if you look at the flowers anxiously, there is no one in the bud. "A song" orchid grass "pours out the wishes of the people who raise flowers, and it is very difficult for orchids to bloom. Therefore, it is necessary to take good care of and cultivate orchids, especially when there are buds in bloom. Do orchids have buds to fertilize?

Orchids like fertilizer, need to be applied several times a year, into the flowering period to phosphorus, potash-based, but when the emergence of buds, do not apply fertilizer. The bud of orchid has a good absorption of fertilizer, but it will be indigestible after absorption, and the bud can not bear it after absorbing nutrients, which will lead to bud withering or blooming and shortening the flowering period.

2. Several situations in which orchids cannot be fertilized. 1. When newly entering and changing pots

Orchids are fertilizer-loving plants, but it is not suitable to apply fertilizer when newly entering and changing pots. The soil in the new basin is a newly prepared nutritious soil, which has enough nutrients to supply the orchid for a period of time, and no additional fertilization is needed at this time.

In addition, when the orchid changes the pot, it will more or less hurt the root of the orchid, and fertilization will cause fester of the root wound and is not conducive to the absorption of nutrients; fertilization should be carried out 2-3 weeks after changing the basin, when the root damage has been repaired, and some new roots grow, which is suitable for applying a certain amount of fertilizer.

2. There is a problem at the root

Orchids are suitable to be born in a moist and ventilated environment. When there are problems such as empty roots and rotten roots, the branches will be thin and yellow, and the appearance is not good. This time, you can not apply fertilizer. You need to look at the roots in time. After dealing with the root problems, you can spray an appropriate amount of foliar fertilizer, first restore the foliar surface, wait for the roots to recover slowly, and then fertilize better.

3. When the flower buds are not full

Orchids sometimes have absorption obstacles in their growth, that is, there are no problems in the roots, but their ability to absorb nutrients is poor. During this period, they can not apply fertilizer, but can only spray foliar fertilizer to maintain nutrients and slowly relieve the pressure on the roots. apply appropriate amount of fertilizer after it recovers.

4. Early spring

Orchids like warm climates, so breeding orchids need to move indoors when they enter winter, and then move to outdoor shady places when spring comes. The temperature in early spring is not warm, when orchids grow slowly and do not need much nutrients, so there is no need to fertilize orchids in early spring.

5. Summer

With high temperatures in summer, many plants go into dormancy, that is, they stop growing or grow slowly because of the heat. Orchids will stop growing when they are over 35 ℃. Therefore, there is no need for nutrition and fertilization during this period.

6. At noon

General flower friends know that watering vegetation in the morning or evening, noon is not suitable for watering; fertilization is the same, should not be carried out at noon, will affect plant growth and absorption is not good, can not achieve the desired results.

3. Culture methods of orchids 1. Suitable environment

Orchids generally grow in the mountains, which are empty and moist, which is the favorite growing environment for orchids. Orchid potted plants, there is no way to be born in such a good environment, but to provide as close as possible to such an environment, spring, summer and autumn orchids in the open air ventilated outdoor, cold outside in winter, orchids should be kept indoors, preferably on sunny flower racks or wooden racks.

2. Rational watering and fertilization

Orchids like a humid environment, but they should be watered properly, the roots are easy to rot if there is too much water, and the soil is too dry and empty, which will affect the growth of orchids. In addition, the fertilization of orchids is usually carried out from June to July and from August to September. For the growth of orchid leaf buds from June to July, the thin fertilizer can be applied twice, it must be mature liquid fertilizer, and it is the same from August to September, it is best not to use chemical fertilizer.

3. Sterilization nursing

It is not easy to raise orchids well, especially when growing, it is easy to give birth to diseases and insect pests. Therefore, it is usually necessary to expose orchids in the hot sun, which can effectively kill bacteria. In fact, we should also pay attention to the selection of flowerpots and potted soil, using mud pots as far as possible. It is beneficial to control the dry humidity of the potted soil.