
Tribes torn by photoelectricity 02 "Tribal leaders shouted: Photoelectricity makes tribesmen split and attack each other, ancestors will be sad to see

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Tribes torn by photoelectricity 02 "Tribal leaders shouted: Photoelectricity makes tribesmen split and attack each other, ancestors will be sad to see

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In order to develop Zhiben Wetland Optoelectronics, the Taitung county government lobbied for open manufacturers without the consent of the local Peinan "Kadubu" tribe, and held a "tribal council" to exercise the right to vote. After the controversial voting process, the proponents agreed to develop tribal traditional areas by 187 votes to 173 votes against each other.

Three traditional leaders of the Kadaab tribe, "Lahan" (equivalent to the "leader"), declared the above-mentioned "convened" tribal council null and void a few days ago (April 18). Big Rahan Lin Wenxiang said with trembling hands and anger: "the tribe cannot be divided, and the purpose of litigation is to protect the existence of the tribe."

Developers in favor of optoelectronics raised signs at the tribal press venue to protest, saying that there were voices within the tribe that were in favor of optoelectronics and opposed the filing of lawsuits. This abrupt confrontation also conveys the state of tribal division. Lin Yuzhang, the youth president of the opposition tribe, said: "We are not opposed to green energy. what we oppose is the process of optoelectronic development, and we cannot let the tribe lose mutual trust."

Kadib used to be a tribe known for its tradition and strength, but now the tribe has been torn apart by the photoelectric case. (photo courtesy of / Pungiya Kao) Tribal youth: "No objection to green energy, but the Photoelectricity case makes tribes lose mutual trust and opportunities to rely on their own development."

The night before Rahan's announcement, Balaguan (tribal gathering house) lit a fire to symbolize the ancestors that the YMCA was ready to decorate the venue, the women's association was preparing meals in the kitchen, and everyone was busy going in and out at night.

The Kadib tribe has a strict class organization that distinguishes between the Elder League, the Adult married Men's League, the married Women's Association and the YMCA. On the other hand, young people have youth associations to form the main force of the tribe, including teenagers, who must be trained under the YMCA, follow Rahan's instructions, and serve the traditional affairs of the tribe. Unmarried young girls, under the membership of the Women's Association, participate in tribal affairs together.

In the face of ethnic people challenging the leadership authority of tribal tradition, Gao Shijie, the outgoing youth president, could not hide his grief and indignation: "in the past, we received traditional cultural training from Balaguan and were taught to respect tradition. Why did the people who taught us this way?" and now you haven't done it. "

Lin Yuzhang, the new president, said: "We are not opposed to green energy. what we oppose is the process of optoelectronic development, and we cannot let the tribe lose mutual trust. Money is really important, but we have to rely on our own ability to develop, not to rely on others. Otherwise, what are we going to do when photoelectric leaves Kadaibu 20 years later? "

Gao Shijie, former president of the Tribe Youth Association, said that the division of the tribe caused by the photoelectric case and being criticized as a pawn of struggle by the middle-aged and elders of the clan was his most painful moment. (photo / Lin Jiyang) Tribal cadres: even if the tribe has different opinions, it is still a community of life, and we are not enemies.

"after three years of internal confrontation and internal friction, everyone is very tired." Salreng, a young teacher returning to his hometown who is also vice president, could not hide his tiredness. "Lahan stood up not for or against the people, but against the injustice of the tribal council," he said. Participate in the work of tribal cultural heritage, let Salen agree with Lahan's decision, for her, the traditional field is the root of tribal history and culture, lose the traditional value, the tribe will be lost in the development.

Salen believes that even if there are opinions in favor of the tribe, Kadib is still a whole. "the tribe is full of human ties, it is still a community of life, and we are the people, not the enemy." Salen's partner, Uki, added.

There is a strict class system in the tribe, and young girls belong to the women's association and participate in public affairs. Faced with the division of the tribe, they said that they would stick to the core values of the tribe and continue to do what they had to do. (photo / Lin Jiyang) Tribal cadres criticize: the tribe agrees that the right to contract out to the manufacturer, what exactly does the county government think of the aborigines?

Kao Chien-chien is the deputy head of the middle-aged group of the Kadhibu tribe and used to be a master of the aboriginal movement, but now he has returned to the tribe to promote cultural revival. He has also been a radical opponent since the county government promoted the optoelectronics case. In particular, Gao pointed out the conflicts caused by the fact that the county government entrusted the development project to the manufacturer, and the manufacturer stationed behind the tribe:

"in our traditional culture, if you want to use this land, you must say hello to other life 'Balishi' who use it. Now the Taitung county government has opened the door for manufacturers to come in and buy off the tribe. The Jettier development case has already been done once in 1971, and it will take several more times. Public power is bound by law, and what we dare not do now will be left to the manufacturers. Manufacturers have plenty of resources to give them jobs and benefits. What exactly do they think of the aborigines? ".

Gao Zhi (Photo / Lin Jiyang), deputy head of the Tribal Youth Group, roared angrily: the people split and attacked each other, and the ancestors would be sad to see this.

Rahan has a high status in the Kadib tribe, is the priest of the ceremony, but also the leader of the traditional organization, its importance is similar to the role of the "leader" of other tribes, the main mission is "the manager of the land, the guardian of the tribe, shouldering the cultural heritage".

Lahan Lin Wenxiang, a clan respected by his people as "Great Lahan", is compassionate and dignified. At the press conference, the pro-Fang people raised their signs in protest. Lin Wen-hsiang watched his people split, his hands trembling with anger, and clenched a microphone and angrily denounced: "the tribe cannot be divided, but must return to the tribal method to solve the problem."

Lin Wen-hsiang said that his anger came from "the sadness of his ancestors."after the photoelectric case came in, you attacked me and I attacked you. Are we still Kadibu (ethnic language: together)? " He even criticized: "the original Law has been implemented for so long, is it not to protect the aborigines?" How could it turn into oppressing us? "

Chen Zhengzong, a county councilman who represented Luofa Niao clan Lahan because his father was ill, said that the lawsuit had nothing to do with whether the photoelectric case was developed or not, but to defend the traditional values of the tribe. As the first tribe in Taitung to exercise the right of consultative consent, the Kadib tribe should not be allowed to become the first sinner to set an evil example.

Lahan Lin Maosheng of the Bakarugu clan believes that the process of developing photovoltaics by the county government is very unfair to the tribe: "Foreign manufacturers have hijacked so many resources into our poor aboriginal areas and split the tribe, but the county government sits on the sidelines and watches the internal booing of the tribe. Rahan has a responsibility to maintain tribal unity and not to be influenced by outsiders. The tribal council (held on June 1) is not fair. Those who voted did not sacrifice with us at the age of age, and some of them are not Puyuma at all. "