
Taichung City 108 years PM2.5 lowest in recent 4 years Mayor Lu Xiuyan: Continuous efforts to improve

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Air Quality Improvement in Taichung City Shows Results! According to statistics from the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan, all pollutants in Taichung City reached the lowest level in the same period of the past four years in 108 years. Among them, the average PM2.5 value was 17.7 micrograms per cubic meter, an improvement of 1.1 micrograms compared with 18.8 micrograms in 107.

Lu Xiuyan, the lowest Mayor of PM2.5 in Taichung City in recent 4 years: make continuous efforts to improve

Taichung City Air quality improvement Exhibition results! According to the statistics of the Environmental Protection Agency of the Executive Yuan, all pollutants in Taichung City reached the lowest in the same period of nearly four years in 108 years. Among them, the average PM2.5 was 17.7 micrograms per cubic meter, which was 1.1 micrograms better than 18.8 micrograms in 107 years, and the days of poor air quality (AQI > 100) were 44 days, 16 days less than those in 107 years. Lu Hsiu-Yan, mayor of Taichung, said that improving empty goods is a long-term work, and although it has achieved initial results, it is still not enough and will continue to make efforts.

Taichung City Environmental Protection Bureau said that last year, all pollutants in Taichung City reached the lowest in the same period of nearly four years, while the number of days of poor air quality (AQI > 100) from January to March this year was 11 days, 1 day less than that of the same period last year, and 9 days less than the same period the year before last. According to the city's Blue Sky and White Cloud Action Plan, all bureaux and offices have completed a PM2.5 reduction of 1221.89 tonnes in 2018. in addition, based on the emissions and category ratio of the EPD's Air pollution Emission inventory (TEDS 10.0), the target for 109 is a PM2.5 reduction of 1123.5 tonnes.

In terms of actual reduction, the target of obsolete locomotives in 108 years is 55000, and by December last year, 26101 second-trip vehicles and 54023 fourth-trip vehicles have been phased out, totaling 80124 vehicles, with a PM2.5 reduction of 21.5 metric tons. Large fixed pollution sources passed the permit review, requiring public and private places to adopt the best feasible control technology. In 108, 6 companies promoted designated reductions, and PM2.5 was reduced by 79.6 metric tons. In addition, environmental protection and carbon reduction measures were promoted in the temple, which effectively reduced the amount of PM2.5 produced by the temple by 37.8 metric tons.

In the part of waste branches, we will increase subsidies for farmers in the middle city to purchase branch crushers, the subsidy for individual use of farmers will be increased from 1/3 to 2/3, and the common use of production and marketing classes will be increased from 1/2 to 3/4, and to guide farmers to recycle the waste branches in the field after crushing (powder), so as to maintain soil fertility and avoid open-air burning.

▲ Taichung City 108 years PM2.5 nearly 4 years lowest Mayor Lu Xiuyan: continuous efforts to improve