
What are pea diseases and insect pests? How to prevent and cure?

Published: 2024-09-08 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/08, What are pea diseases and insect pests? How to prevent and cure?

Peas are also called green beans. The sales market is deeply loved by customers. However, for growers, how can we plant peas with increased yield? Then we must grasp the pest control methods of peas, because pea planting is accompanied by an increase in the term, the probability of pests and diseases is increasing, poor control, very easy to lead to pea production limit, then what are pea pests and diseases? How to prevent it? Let's master it together!

1. What are pea pests?

1. Downy mildew

Pea downy mildew key damage leaves, stems, generally originated from leaves, leaves early white powdery pale yellow dots, after the expansion of irregular powder spots, connected to each other, the surface of the disease was covered by hoarfrost, then rushed to the stem. Stems and tendrils are pale yellow at first and then turn into grayish black dots.

2. Brown spot disease

The key of this disease is to damage leaves, stems and pods. The leaves are irregular light purple dots. Under the natural environment of high temperature and low temperature, the disease spots are more likely to spread outward. The leaves become yellow and distorted and wither in the middle and late stages. The basal fertilizer and yellow leaf disease of plants are easy to occur.

3. Root rot

It is caused by Fusarium oxysporum of pea, the key damage root or underground stem, the leaves below the diseased plant are yellow first, the whole plant turns yellow and withers in the middle and late stages, part of the main taproot turns black, the conducting tissue turns dark brown, the disease is more serious, the tip shrinks or the dent turns brown, and the epidermis layer of the diseased part is rotted. This leads to dwarfing of plants and more diseases at flowering stage.

4. Liriomyza nigra

The insect damages bean plants by drilling into stems and eating pith and phloem. After the larvae are perfected, they bite an eclosion hole in the inner wall of stems and pupate. The leaves of the damaged plants turn yellow, the stems are more serious, the leaves fall off, the plants wither due to lack of water, and the flowers, flowers and leaves fall off too early in the middle and late stages, resulting in reduced production.

II. How to control pea diseases and insect pests?

1. Implement rotation planting

Rotation planting can reasonably reduce soil diseases and insect pests, reduce the occurrence of pea diseases and insect pests, generally select the more popular melons and vegetables or cyperaceae crops to carry out rotation planting is all possible, according to deep soiling soil, fertilization reasonably improves the disease resistance of plants.

2. Seed disinfection

Seed can be dressed with 0.3% of 70% thiophanate-methyl by weight and planted after 48~96 hours of closed cultivation.

3. Improve cultivation techniques

Effective fertilization and sparse planting, and improve the balance between fertilizer supply and demand, more phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, less base fertilizer, timely spraying of vine element, improve disease resistance.

4. Organic chemical control

General pest control, chemical fertilizer control should be avoided as far as possible, black fly pests can be selected 50% phoxim EC 1000 times or 48% Lesben EC 1000 times irrigation root or spray control. The root rot can be irrigated with 500 times solution of 20% thiabendazole suspension, and the control of downy mildew should be sprayed with 15% triadimefon WP 1500~2000 times solution at the first blooming or initial stage of pea disease. Control is carried out every 7-10 days.

At this point, the sharing of pea diseases and insect pests is here. If we want to plant peas with high yield, this pest control method is worth learning. I look forward to helping everyone.