
Ye Kuangshi, Vice Mayor of Kaohsiung City, invited to enjoy the scenery of six turtles.

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, In order to revitalize the tourism industry of youthful hot springs in Liugui District, the Kaohsiung city government obtained the integrated distribution of hot spring water rights to local operators. Yesterday (12), a press conference was held to collect the supply of immortal hot springs. Ye Kuangshi, Vice Mayor, announced the brand of Youth and Young Springs in the Young Hot Springs area.

Youth Fountain on Sale Kaohsiung City Vice Mayor Ye Kuangshi Invites Six Tortoise Scenery

In order to revitalize the tourism industry of Liugui District, Kaohsiung City Government obtained the water rights of hot springs and distributed them to local operators for use. Yesterday (12), Kaohsiung City held a press conference on the supply of hot springs. Vice Mayor Ye Kuangshi announced that the brand of youth and youth springs in Liugui District was newly opened for sale, and cheered for local entrepreneurs one by one. He invited the public to soak in Liugui and enjoy the scenery slowly, hoping to create a new hot spring for the next half century.

Younger hot spring belongs to carbonic acid spring, weak alkaline spring after washing skin smooth and tender, deeply loved by consumers, after the 88 typhoon seriously damaged, affecting the local tourism industry. In the past, the operators took hot spring water separately and could not obtain legal hot spring labels. Therefore, there was no guarantee for tourists. Under the coordination of Kaohsiung City Tourism Bureau, they obtained hot spring water rights and distributed them to local operators. They could take 144 tons of hot spring water every day and distribute hot spring resources in an integrated way.

Deputy Mayor Yeh Kuang-shih says that the Bora Hot Spring and the Bulao Hot Spring in East Kaohsiung are famous. After the Bora Hot Spring legally provided water and the Flower Appreciation Park reopened, it attracted a large number of tourists. Under the coordination of the city government and the industry, the Bulao Hot Spring also legally obtained the water rights seal, which is of great significance. Deputy Mayor Ye Kuangshi believes that the story of Liugui's agricultural products and brands is very exciting, and at the same time it has a rich cultural history and natural landscape. Everyone is welcome to visit Liugui area at a relaxed pace.

Qiu Junlong, director of Kaohsiung City Tourism Bureau, also said that the Tourism Bureau will, from the perspective of "Donggao Slow Food Travel," continue to promote the creation of high-quality small shops in the local area through the integration of local operators, tour promotion, tourism branding, and to create a characteristic tourism brand in Dongjiu District.

▲ Youth Youth Spring for Sale Ye Kuangshi, Vice Mayor of Kaohsiung City, invites Liu Gui scenery