
Drug control of garden seedlings and flowers

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Drug control of garden seedlings and flowers

(1) toxicity and toxicity of drugs have side effects on humans and animals. And sometimes it will cause drug damage to the plant. If dichlorvos and omethoate are toxic to people and animals, they will cause drug damage when used on plants such as plum blossom, Yingchun, Phyllostachys pubescens, etc., especially in high temperature, dry weather, or when the concentration of the solution is too high, it will cause leaf focal edge, discoloration and shedding within a few days. So not all pesticides are suitable for all kinds of flowers. If some flower species are sensitive to certain drugs, they should switch to other drugs. Therefore, you should read the instructions carefully before taking the medicine.

(2) Bordeaux solution, trichlorfon and dichlorvos should be used with Bordeaux solution, otherwise it is easy to fail. Most pesticides, such as dichlorvos, omethoate, fish rattan essence, etc., should not be mixed with alkaline substances, otherwise they will lose their efficacy. Between drugs, some can be mixed, some can not be mixed, and some should be used immediately after mixing. For example, stone-sulfur mixture and Bordeaux liquid contain lime, which can not be mixed with most pesticides, and the interval between spraying with other pesticides should not be too short. Bordeaux liquid and stone sulfur mixture can not be mixed, nor can they be used before and after use (should be more than half a month apart).

Whether it is insect pests or diseases, if one or two pesticides are used alone for a long time, they will produce drug resistance and lose their effect, so pesticides or fungicides should be used alternately.

(3) the drug dosage should be accurate, and the concentration should not be too high or too low for diseases and insect pests. When spraying, it should also be sprayed on the main disease site, and the insecticide should be sprayed in the place where the pests are concentrated and hidden, so that the control effect is better.

(4) the spraying time should be determined by considering the weather, dosage form and the law of diseases and insect pests in order to improve the efficacy. Such as contact, stomach toxic drugs, it is appropriate to spray in sunny days, and there is no rain within 2 days in order to ensure the efficacy. EC drugs can only be applied after the dew is dry, and there should be no rain within I days after spraying to ensure the effective concentration. Powder medicine is sprayed before the dew is dry, it is easy to attach to the branches and leaves, and there should be no rain within 2 days after spraying. The effect of spraying drugs to control nocturnal insect pests is the best in the evening. Toxic, volatile and decomposable drugs should be avoided in high temperature or windy weather at noon to avoid rapid volatilization and failure.