
How to fertilize Zanthoxylum bungeanum? Management skills of Water and Fertilizer in Zanthoxylum bungeanum

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, How to fertilize Zanthoxylum bungeanum? Management skills of Water and Fertilizer in Zanthoxylum bungeanum

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is resistant to drought, afraid of waterlogging, likes heat and calcium, its root system is fleshy and vertically spread all over shallow, and the level is wide, so it has a higher regulation on * soil, which requires ventilation and dampness, and contains soil organic matter. As far as today's online editor is concerned, green pepper fertilizer and water management skills.

Fertilizer and water management method

In the whole process of sprouting, tapping, blooming and fruiting of green pepper, it is necessary to constantly digest and absorb water and a lot of nutrient elements. the regulation of water content of green pepper is not high, and too much water will cause water storage in the root system. not enough oxygen production and many people died, resulting in the death of the main stem of green pepper. Water injection should be based on rainfall conditions and soil environmental humidity to determine the amount of irrigation flow. Fertilization is a very key countermeasure in the information management of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Mastering the appropriate way and time of fertilization is the key countermeasure to maintain the yield, high yield and high quality of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. In the whole process of fertilization of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, we should take measures according to the times, trees and local conditions, and pay attention to the standard of "balanced fertilization, secret prescription fertilization and tree-watching fertilization", so as to reduce the product cost and obtain greater economic benefits.

Budding stage of new shoot

With the picking of sesame pepper from June to July, most branches have less roots, poor absorption of fertilizer and water, and low resistance to geographical environment. Tree stems must show a lot of nutrients to assist the growth and development of roots and shoots and the growth and development of new branches. It is suggested that a large number of nutrient elements in high-nitrogen element fertilizer should be fertilized, a certain amount of water-soluble fertilizer of a large number of elements should be selected before and after precipitation, and a lot of organic fertilizer and bacterial fertilizer should be integrated, which can reasonably improve the fertility utilization rate and lock water permeability. Note that this fertilization should be carried out according to climatic conditions, if the weather is hot, it is proposed to apply fertilizer about 10 days before picking.

Branch brittleness stage flower bud differentiation stage

From mid to late November to September, the branches of sesame pepper slowly brittle to produce buds. The production of flower buds is related to phosphorus, but moderate potassium can reduce the digestion and absorption of nitrogen and promote branch embrittlement and bud division. Therefore, the application of appropriate nitrogen, a lot of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers has a very good practical effect on promoting branch embrittlement, bud production and split growth and development. At this time, the root system growth and development and absorption are good. It is suggested that a large amount of nutrient element fertilizer in high nitrogen type element fertilizer should be selected and fertilized with a large amount of element water-soluble fertilizer before and after precipitation.

Physiological withered leaf period

When the temperature decreases from October to November, the phenomenon of green pepper will promote the yellow leaves to fall into a dormant state, but the root system still has a certain absorption when the temperature is above 5 ℃. At this time, a certain amount of nutrients can increase the nutrient storage of the tree stem, promote the growth and development of branches and buds next year, and improve the drought resistance in winter. And because the buds enter the dormant state, a certain amount of fertilization is not easy to cause the buds to sprout in winter and lead to limited production. It is suggested that a certain amount of compound fertilizer should be applied before and after precipitation, and that a lot of organic fertilizers and soil conditioning agents should be applied together.


The buds just began to sprout from March to late April, and the buds need a lot of carbon and nitrogen nutrients. Phosphorus and other medium nutrients are properly required. The key is to absorb the nutrients stored in the previous year, and the root system has a certain absorption capacity of nutrients. It is suggested that the nutrient elements in carbohydrate chelation should be fertilized, and a small amount of compound fertilizer with a large number of elements should be selected before and after precipitation.

Fruit Peng Daqi

From the first ten days of April to the last ten days of April, the root system of Zanthoxylum bungeanum has strong charm and good absorption, the growth and development of fruit has entered the whole process of nutrient accumulation, and the demand for carbon, phosphorus, potassium and calcium is very large. In addition, it is necessary to quickly fill the medium nutrient elements. A large amount of elements must be filled by human factors in order to promote the accumulation of nutrients in fruits and stems. It is suggested that a large number of nutrient elements in water-soluble fertilizers should be fertilized, and a certain amount of compound fertilizers should be selected before and after precipitation.

Fertilization mode

During fertilization, topdressing or hole application should be applied at the projection (seepage) of the trunk, and there is no need to pile chemical fertilizer at the bottom of the tree stem, which is not only disadvantageous to the digestion and absorption of chemical fertilizer, but also very easy to cause the concentration value of chemical fertilizer to be too high than that of burning roots and burnt seedlings. For closed or sparsely planted pepper orchards, shallow application can be made between rows and plants, preferably without damaging or less injuring big roots. According to the growth and development of Zanthoxylum bungeanum and the differences of soil organic matter and soil fertilizer conservation, the specific amount of fertilizer application is quite different, and the norms of fertilization should be targeted fertilization on the premise of whether or not to achieve the norms of fertilization. reduce the property loss caused by inaccurate fertilization.

* soil improvement

The main results are as follows: 1. Turning and ripening soil properly; subsoiling is the key countermeasure of soil management, and subsoiling is carried out by integrating base fertilizer from November to October. If the soil is loose and thick sandy soil * there is no need for deep loosening.

2. Grass mulching: straw and weeds are used to cover the industrial park, grass mulching can increase the composition of soil organic matter, reduce surface runoff and soil annual rainfall, cultivate soil moisture, and grass mulching can reduce the change of surface temperature. beneficial to root growth and development; grass mulching can have the effect of no-tillage to kill weeds. However, the deep layer of grass mulching must not be too high, too high is more serious harm to green pepper plant photosynthesis, too much grass will compete with green pepper root market nutrients. Endanger the growth and development of Zanthoxylum bungeanum.

3. Topdressing bio-organic fertilizer and bacterial fertilizer: the basic principle of using bio-organic fertilizer and bacterial fertilizer to promote soil colloid production and reduce pest control and reproduction. Topdressing organic fertilizer and bacterial fertilizer can promote loose soil, maintain liquid fertilizer, increase the utilization rate of chemical fertilizer, reduce fertilizer damage, reduce drug damage and reduce the occurrence of root rot.

Due to the differences in fruit type, climatic conditions, growth and development natural environment and planting management methods in different parts of the country, the above detailed introduction is for reference. When applying fertilizer on a large scale, please first do a small total area experiment, and adjust the fertilizer use scheme according to the actual local climatic conditions. That is to say, the key points of green pepper fertilizer and water management method, look forward to your management method green pepper has some assistance.