
Ten years of veteran flower growers tell you that it is not that difficult to raise a gentleman's orchid.

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Ten years of veteran flower growers tell you that it is not that difficult to raise a gentleman's orchid.

Cymbidium is a kind of flower with "noble" and "gentlemanly style". It is planted at home in a very stylish way, but many flower friends think that orchid is a kind of flower that is very difficult to raise. Although it is good-looking, it can only look at other people's home. It doesn't matter. Today, the editor will share with you the maintenance methods of Cymbidium.

The dry information of flowers and plants was launched by Yi Zhi'ai, Botanical Research Institute of Jiangsu Chinese Academy of Sciences and Nanjing Agricultural University.

The full text has a total of 1600 words and takes 4 minutes to read.

Alias: Lycoris radiata, Damulan, Damulan, magnolia.

Taxonomic status: Amaryllidaceae, genus Orchidaceae.

Morphological features: perennial evergreen herbaceous flowers. Roots fleshy fibrous, base with pseudobulbs formed by leaf bases. Leaves sword-shaped, alternate, arranged on both sides of the plant, entire. Umbels terminal, each inflorescence (commonly known as "arrow") bears 5-30 florets, some of which can have more than 40 flowers. Florets stipitate, tepals 6, funnelform, scarlet or orange. The berries are globose, green or dark green at the beginning, red when ripe, and purplish black when ripe. The mature period is long, about 8 to 10 months. The florescence is as long as 30-50 days, mainly in spring and summer.

Origin: southern Africa.

Ecological habits: like cool and humid environment, avoid strong light, high temperature, dry environment, for semi-negative plants. The optimum temperature for growth was 15-25 ℃, and stopped growing when the temperature was below 5 ℃.

Cultivation management: the soil of cultivated Magnolia should be mixed with humic soil, clay and fine sand in the ratio of 2 ∶ 2 ∶ 1.

The best pH value of potted soil is about 67, so take black topsoil rich in humus under the forest, add some rotten chicken manure and horse manure as culture soil, and urban residents can buy ready-made "gentleman orchid culture soil" in the flower market.

It is better to use a deep tube basin for planting. Although the gentleman orchid has a certain degree of drought resistance, but the lack of water is not good, so watering should be dry and wet, and frequent watering and poor drainage should be avoided.

Regular fertilization should be applied during the growing period. if there is not enough fertilizer and water, the leaves will grow thin and long. Only proper fertilizer and water can ensure that the leaves are wide, thick and bright, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be applied 3 months before flowering.

Special attention should be paid to shading and ventilation in summer and indoor light in winter. Always keep the ambient humidity at 60%. In order to make the leaves grow neatly and beautifully, the flowerpot should be rotated 180 degrees every half month.

Adult orchids pull out their pedicels before they bloom, commonly known as "arrows". However, some plants in the growth and development, the pedicel is not extracted, the bud is formed, sandwiched in the pseudo-bulb, resulting in the phenomenon of "arrow clip". There are many reasons, such as: low room temperature (pot temperature), which is not conducive to pedicel cell division and elongation; insufficient nutrition at flowering stage, especially caused by lack of phosphorus and potassium; basin soil consolidation, lack of permeability and insufficient watering, and so on. The solution is to appropriately increase the temperature of the basin soil, strengthen fertilizer and water management before flowering, and can also be treated with "Qijian Ling" drugs.

Method of reproduction: sowing or ramet propagation. For sowing, due to the low fruiting ability of self-pollination, artificial pollination is needed to obtain seeds, and the seeds can be sown after maturity. Sow the seed hole downward in a shallow basin, cover the sandy soil 1cm and 15cm, pour through the water and place it indoors, keep it 2025 ℃ and the basin soil moist, and germinate in about 1 month.

In the future, the moisture should be properly controlled and sufficient light should be given. In general, seedlings grow only 2 leaves in the first year. Ramet, it is easy to produce tillers around the root neck of Cymbidium, commonly known as "foot buds", which can be used for reproduction. Ramet is usually carried out in combination with changing pots from March to April in spring. After the "foot bud" is separated from the mother plant, it is planted in plain sand to cultivate the root system. The new root can be produced after about one month, and then replanted.

Practical value: Magnolia is a valuable potted flower with beautiful flowers and leaves, flowering around New Year's Day to the Spring Festival. The decorative hall and study are extremely beautiful, elegant and elegant.