
Key points of Management of Peach Fruit expansion period

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Key points of Management of Peach Fruit expansion period

Summer is the period of peach fruit growth and development, which is also the key period of peach management, which is the key to peach yield and fruit quality, in which peach fruit development can be divided into three periods. So how to manage the fruit expansion period of peach trees? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. The first rapid growth period

The material basis of fruit growth before and after 35 days after flowering is the nutrient reserve of the tree, and the amount of nutrients stored in the peach tree determines the number of fruit cells. Summer pruning was carried out after peach harvest, winter shearing was used to ensure high-yield tree shape, adjust the position, number and distribution of fruiting branches, maintain the balance between aboveground and root system, flower retention and tree potential, and overcome the contradiction between tree senescence and regeneration and rejuvenation. improve the utilization rate of stored nutrients. At the same time, timely thinning of flowers and fruits, when the construction of unnecessary nutrients are consumed, which plays an obvious role in promoting fruit expansion. At the same time, flower thinning can adjust the vegetative growth and reproductive growth of trees, make nutrients used to promote new shoot growth, increase the number of leaves, strengthen fertilizer and water management, and use assimilated nutrients produced by leaves to promote the expansion of peach young fruits.

2. The second rapid growth period

The management of this period is related to the final size of the fruit, which is the key period of fruit expansion, mainly to manage and regulate the contradiction between vegetative growth and reproductive growth, and to strengthen fertilizer and water management. For plants with weak tree potential, fertilizer should be strengthened to promote growth, while for plants with excessive tree potential, vegetative growth can be adjusted through pruning to ensure good permeability. The potassium content of peach fruit is 2 times of nitrogen fertilizer and three times of nitrogen fertilizer, so potassium fertilizer is the most important for peach growth. Potassium fertilizer can be applied 3 weeks before harvest, which plays a significant role in promoting fruit expansion and quality improvement. During the period of maximum water demand during the fruit expansion period, drought will seriously affect the fruit expansion, generally irrigating once two weeks before harvest, keeping the soil water holding capacity at about 40%.

3. Hard core stage

At this time, it is not only the slow period of fruit growth, but also the peak period of seed growth, when the demand for phosphate fertilizer is large, and it is more sensitive to the change of soil moisture. At this time, fertilization should be based on potassium fertilizer, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer should be combined, should be released before the hard core period, and 0.3% potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be sprayed twice. Hard core period is more sensitive to the master to give you, lack of water or too much water, you will drop fruit before, a long drought with rain or too much water, it is very easy to cause cracking. Water is poured once before entering the hard core period, and small water can be irrigated once according to the situation if there is continuous drought during the hard core period, but the soil moisture content should not change much.

The above is the main points of peach fruit expansion period management, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.