
Planting time and method of Spring Maize

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Planting time and method of Spring Maize

In a literal sense, spring corn refers to corn sown in spring. Because its sowing time is relatively early, it is also called early corn. Spring corn is widely distributed in the north of China and is welcomed by many people. So when should we plant spring corn? How to plant it? The following editor brings you the time and methods of planting spring corn, let's have a look!

1. Select improved varieties

When planting spring corn, the first thing we should do well is to select good varieties. First of all, the planting varieties of spring corn should have a growth period of more than 110 days, strong root growth ability, non-scattered plant type, strong plant health and strong stress resistance. And before sowing, we should also pay attention to selecting good seeds and removing small cases and empty blighted grains. Then drying the seeds for about three days can effectively improve the water absorption capacity of the seeds and advance the emergence time of the seeds. Reduce the phenomenon of maize seedlings, so as to ensure the uniform seedling rate of corn after sowing.

2. Sowing time

The sowing time of spring corn is very critical. Planting spring corn should be sown at the beginning of May when the soil moisture is sufficient. After autumn ploughing and winter irrigation, planting plots should also do a good job of raking land to preserve soil moisture in early spring. If the yield is high and the soil moisture is suitable, then the sowing time can be delayed appropriately. It can be done around May 10, but the seeds should usually be sown at the end of April and the beginning of May. Then when sowing, if the seed is not coated, then it is necessary to use methamidophos and other agents for seed coating, which can not only prevent pests, but also advance the emergence time of corn.

3. Sowing method

When sowing spring corn, if there are conditions, then we had better be able to sow seeds mechanically or double-seeded. The sowing rate should be well controlled and the sowing rate per mu should be kept at about 4 jin. When sowing, we should pay attention to the fact that the seed is not in contact with the fertilizer. Fertilizer should be applied to the bottom of the soil and placed about 4 cm below the seed to avoid excessive heat generated by fertilizer and root burning. And in this way, it can also ensure that the seeds are stuck normally. If the conditions are insufficient, then artificial ditch can be opened, mainly to ditch sowing, sowing a little more, generally about 5 jin per mu.

4. Main points of cultivation

The number of plants per mu of spring corn is usually about 3500. Sufficient base fertilizer should be applied before sowing, and proper amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other fertilizers should be applied in the base fertilizer to do a good job in the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests. Including diamine, urea and other fertilizers, to ensure that the fertilizer is comprehensive and adequate, in which the ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium is controlled at about 0.7 and 0.5. Then when sowing, we should pay attention to the planting form and density. The density should not be too high, otherwise it will affect the growth of each other and lead to a decrease in yield.

The above is a brief introduction to the planting time and methods of spring corn. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.