
Planting technique of Pumpkin covered with plastic Film

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting technique of Pumpkin covered with plastic Film

Pumpkin is the most common vegetable in our life. When planting in early spring, because the temperature is low, it is easy to frostbite, so many farmers can raise the ground temperature through plastic film mulching, promote the root system to develop well, take root deeply, and promote the growth and health of seedlings. So how to grow pumpkin covered with plastic film? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Land preparation

In order to prevent excessive growth, premature senility and lodging of pumpkin after plastic film mulching, we must improve the quality of soil preparation, pay attention to early deep turning, rake after the beginning of spring, rake flat after the beginning of spring, so that the ground is flat and there are no large soil clods. Plastic film mulching should be cultivated with high ridges, which should be straight, preferably in the north-south direction, with a ridge width of 20 cm, a trench width of 20 cm, a big ditch width of 50 cm and a height of 10-12 cm. In the ditch and then apply 2000 kilograms of mature farm manure per mu, after irrigation, seal the soil into a high ridge, requiring the ridge soil to be fine, no edges and corners, and no other sundries, so as not to pierce the plastic film.

2. Film laying on the ground

The film should be laid immediately after the pumpkin border is done, in order to preserve soil moisture and increase temperature, film mulching should be carried out in sunny days, and film should be laid at low temperature, which is easy to break after thermal expansion. When covering the film, the exhibition should be slow, flattened and forbidden, so that the film is completely close to the ground. The plastic film should be covered strictly with soil for two days to avoid air leakage. Leave 20 cm uncovered between the two ridges for irrigation.

3. Planting method

When pumpkin is cultivated with plastic film, it can be cultivated by seedling cultivation or direct seeding in the field. there are generally two planting methods, one is to cover the film first, and then planted in the mouth covered with plastic film according to the row spacing of the plant. Another way is to plant the seedlings first, and the film is aimed at the opening of the seedlings. For those who are too young and planted with soil, they should be covered with 80% of the soil first and flat after irrigation. Planting should be tightly sealed with soil, and those covered with film after sowing should be scratched in time when the seedlings are unearthed to avoid burns.

4. Points for attention

Plastic film mulching of pumpkin is not conducive to ploughing and fertilization, so it is necessary to apply sufficient base fertilizer before ground mulching, and generally use delayed fertilizer to avoid sprouting and root burning, and fertilizer should also be applied deeply to avoid shallow fertilization, which is not conducive to deep root system. In the case of premature senility during the growing period, it can be combined with irrigation and topdressing or leaf spraying. After plastic film mulching, the external water supply is less, so we should pay attention to soil moisture after plastic mulching. With the increase of soil temperature and soil moisture after plastic film mulching, the soil moisture will rise, which will make the 5-10 cm soil layer lack of water and drought, so it is necessary to timely irrigation to prevent premature senility. After film mulching, pumpkin stems and leaves are easy to grow, so we should pay attention to the density, and the cultivation density is lower than that of direct seeding in the open field. In addition, plastic film mulching is very easy to breed weeds, it is best to cover the film after spraying herbicides, when there are weeds under the film, you can trample on the weeds at noon on a sunny day and trample the weeds to death.

The above is the introduction of pumpkin plastic film mulching planting technology, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.