
Points for attention in the use of plant growth regulators

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Points for attention in the use of plant growth regulators

Plant growth regulator is widely used in our daily life, and it is also a common pesticide. Rational use of plant growth regulators can effectively promote crop growth and improve its yield and quality. However, when we use plant growth regulators, there are a lot of things we need to pay attention to. So what are the specific ones? Let's take a look at the points for attention in the use of plant growth regulators.

1. Pay attention to the dosage

When we use growth regulators, we must pay attention to control the dosage, not casually increase or decrease. Because plant growth regulators are the same as plant hormones, they have similar physiological substances and should not be overused. Under normal circumstances, only a few grams per mu can be used. And many people think that if they use less, the effect is not good. So it will blindly increase the dosage or concentration, which will not only be of no help to the growth of plants. On the contrary, it will also inhibit its growth, and in serious cases, there will be leaf deformity, withered and yellow fallen leaves and even the death of the whole plant.

2. Do not mix it casually

When spraying plant growth regulators, many vegetable farmers mix them with various chemical fertilizers and pesticides for convenience. In fact, we can not mix it casually, we should pay attention to strictly check the instructions and matters needing attention, and we have to go through experiments to determine whether it can be mixed. Otherwise, if blindly mixed, then not only can not achieve the purpose of flower and fruit protection, but also may cause drug damage. For example, when using ethephon, it should not be mixed with alkaline substances because it is acidic.

3. Pay attention to the method of use

The use of plant growth regulators also requires us to pay more attention. Before we use it, we must pay attention to read its instructions carefully, and we can't put it on crops directly with water. Because there are so many varieties of plant growth regulators, not all varieties can be mixed with water. Because some growth regulators are insoluble in water, they should be prepared into mother liquor before concentration adjustment. Otherwise, the solution will not be fully mixed, resulting in a decline in efficacy. So before using it, be sure to dilute it according to the use process.

4. you can't replace fertilizer with medicine.

Many people think that plant growth regulators can promote the growth of crops, so they ignore fertilization after using them. In fact, plant growth regulators can not be used as fertilizers, because growth regulation and can not be used as plant nutrients. The main function is to regulate the growth of crops, but can not play the role of fertilizer on crops. And if the water and fertilizer conditions are poor, spraying too many plant growth regulators will also harm its growth. Therefore, if the crop growth is poor, then we must first adjust the fertilizer and water management, on the basis of ensuring the rational use of plant growth regulators can play a role effectively.

The above is a brief introduction to the matters needing attention in the use of plant growth regulators. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.