
What are the three elements of fertilizer?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What are the three elements of fertilizer?

Fertilizer is indispensable when we grow grain, fruits and vegetables and other crops. Fertilizer can provide sufficient nutrition for the growth of crops, which is the key to ensure its normal growth. When we use fertilizer, we should pay attention to understand the three elements of fertilizer. So what exactly do the three elements of fertilizer refer to? Today, the editor will give you a brief introduction. Let's take a look at it.

1. Nitrogen

The first element contained in fertilizer is nitrogen, which is very important for the growth of crops. Nitrogen is the main component of synthetic protein and chlorophyll in crops. If sufficient nitrogen is ensured, it can make crops flourish, enhance their photosynthesis and increase the accumulation of organic matter. Speeding up the speed of tillering is of great help to the increase of yield. If there is a lack of nitrogen, then the crop growth is weak, the growth rate is slow, and the yield is low. However, nitrogen should not be too much, otherwise it will lead to excessive growth of crops, greedy green late ripening, lodging and other bad phenomena. It will also reduce the drought and low temperature tolerance of crops.

2. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is the second element in fertilizer. Generally speaking, the content of phosphorus is more in the seeds of crops. Phosphorus is the main component of crop nucleus. Phosphorus plays an important role in promoting seed germination, rooting and fruit ripening in crop growth. If crops are short of phosphorus in their growth, there will be various phenomena such as purple and brown stems and leaves, delayed flowering and small fruits. Therefore, we must pay attention to the supplement of phosphorus to ensure the normal growth of crops.

3. Potassium

The last element is potassium. Unlike the above two elements, potassium mainly acts on crop photosynthesis. Potassium can enhance the photosynthetic capacity of crops and ensure that crop metabolism can be carried out normally. At the same time, it also has the ability to enhance the cold resistance of crops, which can promote the sturdiness of stems and improve the ability of crops to resist lodging and diseases and insect pests. If there is a lack of potassium, then the plant growth is thin and the branches are reduced. The leaves will gradually dry up and fall off from the old leaves, and the yield will decline seriously.

4. Points for attention

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the most basic and important elements for the growth of crops. However, because of the soil in most areas of our country, the content of these three elements is not very high, so we should pay attention to timely fertilization and supplement through fertilizer. And the three elements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are irreplaceable, so when applying fertilizer, we should pay attention to the combined application. Reasonable fertilization can also improve soil water and fertilizer conservation, adjust soil PH value and be beneficial to soil microbial activities.

The above is a brief introduction to what the three elements of fertilizer refer to. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.