
Hanging orchid green pineapple... The cause of death of flowers in winter is repentance without looking at it.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Hanging orchid green pineapple... The cause of death of flowers in winter is repentance without looking at it.

Green pineapple, hanging orchid, copper money grass, why do they begin to wilt and die every winter? Today, Huahua brings you the cause of death of these common flowers. Please read on.

Green pineapple


Cause of death 1: too little watering

Flower lovers with floor heating and heating in their homes also began to reduce watering according to the conventional watering principles in winter. however, due to the relatively high indoor temperature, green apples can grow normally even in winter, so there is no need to reduce watering at all.

Rescue method:

There is heating at home, basically the indoor temperature can reach 20 ℃ or so, there is no problem with watering 2 times or 3 times a week, while the indoor temperature can reach 10 ℃ or so, almost once a week.

Cause of death 2: misplaced

Some flower friends put green pineapple directly on the ground, and flower friends who have a warm floor at home must not do so. Direct contact with the ground will directly lead to accelerated evaporation of water in the basin soil and speed up soil drying, while flower friends can easily dry to death if they do not replenish water in time.

Rescue method:

Do not put the green apple directly on the ground, or on the radiator, you can put it on the windowsill. In short, it should be farther away from the objects that give off heat, such as ground warmth, radiator and so on.

Make a fortune tree


Cause of death 1: hypothermia

The rich tree is a southern plant, so it is not cold-tolerant. The overwintering temperature in winter must be above 10 ℃ and below 10 ℃. If it is light, the yellow leaves will fall, and if it is heavy, it will die.

Rescue method:

Put the wealth tree indoors, if there is no heating in the room, you can put a large plastic bag on the wealth tree, which can play the role of heat preservation.

Cause of death 2: improper watering

Rich trees cannot accumulate water, so they must be watered less in winter. If they can maintain about 10 ℃, it is OK to water them once a month.

Rescue method:

Once a month or so, if the rich tree has accumulated water, quickly take out the rich tree, wait for the pot soil to dry, and then cut off the rotten part of the rich tree and put it back on the pot.

Hanging orchid


Cause of death 1: too little watering

Watering is reduced in winter because the weather is cold in winter, and plants enter the dormant period one after another and absorb little water, but for flower friends now, plants are usually kept indoors in winter, where there is heating or the ground is warm. plants can basically maintain normal growth, so if they are not watered for a long time, plants will die of thirst.

Rescue method:

If there is heating and floor heating in the room, or if you turn on the air conditioner, you can water the orchid with water similar to the room temperature.

The frequency of watering is still dry and unwatered, but thoroughly watered.

Cause of death 2: hypothermia

Generally speaking, as long as the temperature is higher than 5 ℃, the orchid can survive the winter smoothly, but once the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, it is very easy to freeze, and even freeze to death.

Rescue method:

Generally, the hanging orchid placed indoors can reach the lowest temperature, but it should be noted that in order to maintain the temperature, the hanging orchid can not be placed directly on the radiator, or on the ground that has been warmed.

Tongqian grass


Cause of death 1: too dry

In winter, almost all plants have to reduce the amount of water, but this is relative to the plants that can survive the winter outdoors, so many flower friends have also reduced the amount of water that can be watered outdoors. If they are flower friends in the south, this is the right thing to do, but it is wrong for flower friends in the north to do so ~ especially those who move them indoors.

Rescue method:

Due to heating in the north and high indoor temperature, copper grass will grow normally, so it naturally needs enough water, and the watering frequency can not be too little. Basically, it is enough to keep the spray wet.

Half-soil and half-water culture of copper grass, as long as add water, note that when adding water, the water temperature should be the same as the room temperature.

Cause of death 2: the temperature is too low

The overwintering temperature of Rabdosia angustifolia should not be lower than 5 ℃. If it is lower than 5 ℃, it is easy to frostbite or even freeze to death.

Rescue method:

If you have not been frostbitten, quickly move the copper grass indoors. If there is no heating equipment, you can wrap the copper grass with the basin in a plastic bag and put a few small holes in the bag to breathe.

If you have frostbite, you can shave your head directly, and then put it in a place where it is sunny and leeward. Next spring, it will take root and sprout again.

Cause of death 3: lack of light

Copper money grass likes the sun, the light in winter is already weak, if you put it in a relatively shady place, there is not much sun, it is strange that it can be raised well.

Rescue method:

Put the copper grass in a place where you can receive light, such as windowsill, balcony and so on.

Tiger Pilan


Cause of death 1: the basin is too deep

Tiger Pilan's root system is underdeveloped, so it is very afraid of stagnant water, and if the flowerpot is too deep, the water will stay in the flowerpot for more time, which can easily make the tiger Pilan rot.

Rescue method:

Choose a suitable flowerpot for Tiger Pilan. The most suitable flowerpot for Tiger Pilan is the shallow one with a large opening. To give the simplest example, it is like a washbasin.

Cause of death 2: the temperature is too low

The overwintering temperature of Hu Pilan is 10 ℃, which is lower than 10 ℃, so it is easy to have frostbite, especially the leaves with high water content. After suffering frostbite, the cells break, the leaves become weak, and then they are not far from death.

Rescue method:

If the tiger skin orchid has frostbite, quickly move the tiger skin orchid to a warm place, note that it is warm, can not be moved to the radiator at once, the tiger skin orchid will be more likely to die when it is cold and hot. In addition, it is also necessary to cut off the frostbitten leaves of Tiger Pilan, and wait for Tiger Pilan to recover slowly, then it can be maintained normally.

Asparagus asparagus


Cause of death 1: misplaced

Especially for small asparagus potted plants, many flower friends will habitually put them next to the TV set, next to the computer, and so on. The heat emitted by televisions and computers will burn asparagus.

Rescue method:

Quickly move the asparagus to a place far away from electrical appliances, and you can put it on the windowsill and balcony.

Cause of death 2: too much smoke

Asparagus is most afraid of smoke and harmful gases. If the indoor air is not well ventilated, coupled with smoking or cooking in the family, asparagus is easy to turn yellow, and serious ones may even die.

Rescue method:

Open the window every day for ventilation, about 1-2 hours is enough ~ at the same time, put asparagus in a place with less smoke, if there are smokers at home, it is better to smoke less as much as possible.

Cause of death 3: too little watering

Asparagus is a plant that likes to be moist and is not resistant to drought, but in winter, because the temperature is relatively low, many flower friends reduce the frequency of watering. If asparagus is still cultivated outdoors, reducing watering is correct, but indoor farming, especially for flower friends with heating in the north, it is not advisable to reduce watering.

Rescue method:

So when you see that the surface of the basin soil is dry, you can water it, but you can't accumulate water. In winter, knowing that the temperature is not very low, you can probably keep it at about 20 ℃, so you can water it normally.

Rich bamboo


Cause of death 1: the temperature is too low

The lowest temperature of Phyllostachys pubescens overwintering is 10 ℃. Once it is lower than 10 ℃, it will be frostbitten, especially in hydroponic culture.

Rescue method:

Cut off the long trouser legs with discarded old acrylic woolen trousers, wrap them around the bottle and fix them, then roll them into a trumpet shape with the old newspaper, and gently wrap the branches above. The newspaper should be more than two inches higher than the branches and leaves, and the top should not be covered and sealed. Then put the wrapped water-cultured rich bamboo in the warmest place in the room.

Cause of death 2: water change

Long-term failure to change water for rich bamboos and low water temperature will cause discomfort and even death of rich bamboos.

Rescue method:

Every 20 to 30 days, give them a change of water, the water temperature should be above 20 degrees, do not add nutrients.

Gentleman orchid


Cause of death 1: too little watering

Cymbidium likes to be moist but afraid of stagnant water, so it is not good to water too little in winter, and it is not good to water too much. If too many orchids are not absorbed, they will cause rotten roots and frostbite.

Rescue method:

When the orchid is at a low temperature below 5 ℃, the basin soil must maintain a humidity of about 70%. Basically, watering can reach this standard by mastering the principle of seeing dry and wet.

If it has already begun to rot, remove the rotten root of the magnolia, wash and disinfect it, dry it, and then put it back on the pot.

Cause of death 2: the temperature is too low

If the temperature is below 10 ℃, the orchid will be frostbitten and the leaves will wilt.

Rescue method:

The magnolia should be moved indoors when the outdoor temperature is lower than 10 ℃ at night. When the indoor temperature is lower than 10 ℃, in addition to covering the surface of the basin soil with a layer of charcoal powder with a thickness of 1 cm, it should also be placed in an indoor sunny warm place. When the indoor temperature is very low, you can cover the flowerpot with a thin film to heat up, but the temperature in the cover should not exceed 25 ℃. If it exceeds, it should be ventilated and cooled down.

Succulent plant


Cause of death 1: temperature attitude

Generally speaking, succulent plants are relatively antifreeze, and it is no big deal if one handful is less than zero, but once it reaches minus 3 ℃, frostbite begins to appear. If left unprotected, serious Hu will directly lead to death.

Rescue method:

Put succulent plants indoors, with or without heating, indoor can meet most of the succulent temperature needs.

Cause of death 2: improper watering

Winter succulent watering should not be too much, this is for outdoor succulent, but indoor succulent if still follow the outdoor maintenance method, it is not so appropriate, watering too little easy to dry to death.

Rescue method:

In an indoor room with heating and floor heating, succulent watering can be carried out according to the principle of seeing dry and wet. At the same time, the temperature of watering should be the same as that of room temperature. Tap water can be kept indoors for 2 to 3 days, and the temperature of the water will be about the same as room temperature. If you directly use the tap water from the faucet, it will frostbite the succulent roots.