
Transplanting and field management of stevia rebaudiana

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Transplanting and field management of stevia rebaudiana

Stevia is a kind of sugar plant, its planting method is simple, and the income is high. At present, there is a large area of planting in the north and south of our country. Because of the scarcity of stevia seeds, it mainly adopts the way of seedling raising and transplanting, which greatly restricts the development of stevia. Let's take a look at stevia transplanting and field management techniques with the editor.

1. Soil preparation and fertilization

The best land for planting stevia is corn field. Before preparing the soil, the germicidal insecticide is sprayed first, then the soil is turned over in autumn, raked flat once, and light raked once in spring. Wait until about to sow, ridge fertilization, the bottom fertilizer into diammonium phosphate 12.5-15 kg, urea 7-8 kg, cage in about 70 cm, edge ridge edge suppression.

2. Transplanting

When the seedlings grow 6-7 pairs of true leaves, if transplanting, first start school on the border, the hole depth is 5-6 cm, the plant distance is controlled at about 11-12 cm. When transplanting, all the roots should be buried in the wet soil, and the roots should be watered in case of drought, and the roots should stretch out when transplanting, do not shrink into a ball, and make the first group of true leaves exposed to the ground, so as to slow the seedling branching as soon as possible, generally transplanting about 8500 plants per mu.

3. Tonifying seedlings and pinching

After transplanting is not ignored, to often patrol the field, once found that there is a lack of seedling broken ridge phenomenon, to replant in time, replanting as far as possible to choose the same size as the original seedling. The seedlings need to be pinched immediately after transplanting, and then pinched again when the seedlings grow to 20-24 cm, so as to remove the top advantage of the seedlings and achieve the purpose of increasing branches, leaves and yield.

4. Ploughing and fertilization

After slowing down the seedlings, it is necessary to plough deeply once in time, with a depth of 28-30 cm, which is conducive to the rise of soil temperature and good permeability, promote the development of roots, store water and preserve soil moisture, and then cultivate the soil again, so as to prevent lodging and increase soil temperature and promote growth. At the same time of ploughing, we can also combine manual weeding for once to eliminate grass famine. Stevia takes leaves as its product, so it is necessary to increase leaf weight as the main direction. After transplanting for half a month, 2-3 kg of urea per mu should be applied, and 5 kg of urea should be applied per mu during the peak growth period of stevia.

The above is the introduction of stevia transplanting and field management. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.