
What is the reason for the zoom of Anthurium andraeanum leaves?

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, What is the reason for the zoom of Anthurium andraeanum leaves?

Anthurium andraeanum is a kind of flower plant that many people are very familiar with, and it is welcomed by many people as a kind of potted plant in our country. Now the cultivation area of Anthurium andraeanum is still very large, but when cultivating Anthurium andraeanum. The phenomenon of zoom of Anthurium andraeanum leaves often occurs, which seriously reduces the ornamental quality of Anthurium andraeanum. So what is the cause of the zoom of Anthurium andraeanum leaves? The following editor will give you a brief introduction, let's have a look!

1. Infection disease

Disease is one of the main causes of Anthurium andraeanum leaves zooming. Anthurium andraeanum in the growth process, if infected with leaf blight, then it is very easy to cause the leaf to zoom. Because the main harm of leaf blight is the leaves, there will be spots on the leaves, the color of the spots is mainly brown, similar to scorched. If it is not treated in time, a large number of leaves will be covered in a short time, resulting in plant death. Therefore, we must do a good job in prevention, strengthen ventilation, remove diseased leaves in time, and spray corresponding chemicals for prevention and control.

2. Light burns

Although Anthurium andraeanum has a certain demand for light in its growth, it can not be directly exposed to strong light. Because the resistance of Anthurium andraeanum leaves to strong light is very poor, if it is exposed to strong light for a long time, then it is very easy to cause the leaves to be burned, resulting in the phenomenon of scorched leaves. Therefore, when we are in conservation, we must pay attention to control the light, do not let the plants in the strong light exposure. Especially in summer, it is necessary to build a sunshade net under certain conditions. It can not only provide an appropriate amount of light, but also prevent excessive light from burning leaves. If you get burned, move it to a cool place for maintenance in a timely manner.

3. Air drying

Air drying is very disadvantageous to the growth of Anthurium andraeanum, and it will also cause the leaves of Anthurium andraeanum to become scorched. Because Anthurium likes to grow in a relatively humid environment. If it is cultivated indoors as a potted plant, then you must maintain a well-ventilated environment. If it is muggy and dry, then the respiration of the leaves is blocked and there is little moisture, resulting in the scorching of the leaves. Therefore, when it is warm, we should pay attention to open more windows and breathe, spray water around the plant properly to improve the air humidity and ensure the normal growth of Anthurium andraeanum.

4. the fertilizer is too thick.

When we cultivate Anthurium andraeanum, reasonable fertilization can ensure the robust growth of Anthurium andraeanum, and it can also be of great help to the ornamental value of Anthurium andraeanum. But when we apply fertilizer, we must pay attention to control the concentration and amount of fertilizer. Fertilizer should not be too thick, if the fertilizer is too thick, it can easily lead to fertilizer damage, resulting in root burning phenomenon. And when fertilizing, the leaves should not touch the fertilizer, otherwise the burned leaves will dry up and scorch. So if you apply too much fertilizer, you should water and dilute it in time, and change the basin to clean it in time if necessary.

The above is a brief introduction to why the Anthurium andraeanum leaves are zooming. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.