
How often do orchids are watered?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How often do orchids are watered?

Orchids are generally watered once every three days in spring, and the best water is alkaline water; in summer, orchids are generally watered once or twice a day to achieve the principle of frequently watering a small amount; orchids are watered once a week in autumn, and orchids planted outdoors should also be treated against waterlogging; orchids have little demand for water in winter, usually once a month.

1. Spring watering

If the watering frequency of orchids is different in different seasons, there is a great demand for water in spring, which is usually watered once every 3 days, and the watering is better for alkaline water, which is more beneficial to plant absorption. Don't drench directly on the leaves when watering, so as not to breed bacteria.

2. Summer watering

The air in summer is sultry, and the water in the plant evaporates very quickly, so water should be watered frequently, usually once or twice a day, when the temperature reaches 40 ℃, it needs to be watered about three times a day to ensure sufficient water in the soil; the amount of watering should not be too much to prevent the soil from accumulating water, just soaking the soil surface.

3. Watering in autumn

Rain Water is abundant in autumn, and the humidity in the air is relatively high, about once a week. If it is maintained outdoors, tents need to be set up in time on rainy days, and the soil needs to be treated against waterlogging, and the soil should be properly loosened to give the orchid roots air.

4. Watering in winter

Orchids in winter, the root system is in a semi-closed state, the plant has little demand for water, the root water absorption capacity is not strong, usually once every half a month; pay attention to the dry and wet soil, wait until the soil is a little dry, and when there is a gap to water the best, you can water the plant along the gap.