
Causes of lack of Pollen in Watermelon and its Control measures

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Causes of lack of Pollen in Watermelon and its Control measures

In the process of watermelon planting, it is often encountered that there is little pollen in the male flower of watermelon, which will affect the pollination and fertilization rate and seriously affect the yield and quality. So what is the reason for the lack of watermelon pollen? How to prevent and cure it? Come and have a look with the editor.

1. The cause of fertilizer and water

Before flowering and fruit setting, fertilizer and water can be used less and mainly controlled on the basis of sufficient basal fertilizer. if too much watering or partial application of nitrogen fertilizer, it is very easy to cause stem vine growth, resulting in uneven nutrition distribution, poor flower bud differentiation and low pollen.

Prevention and control measures: fertilizer and water should be controlled before flowering to prevent overgrowth of plants. if the base fertilizer is insufficient, it is recommended to apply biological fertilizer or irrigate roots, or spray water-soluble fertilizer to supplement the overcast and rain during the flowering period and promote the development of floral organs.

2. The reason of illumination

In the early growth stage of watermelon, heat preservation is needed because of low temperature. If it is covered with multi-layer plastic film, the light intensity will be greatly reduced. In the low light environment, flower bud differentiation is relatively poor, pollen development is poor, resulting in little or no pollen. In case of continuous rainy days, the light will be even worse, and the male flowers will be powderless when they bloom.

Control measures: under the condition of suitable temperature, remove the mulch as soon as possible, increase the light intensity, improve the quality of flower bud differentiation and promote the quantity of pollen.

3. Root cause

In watermelon management, the root system is often damaged because of agricultural operations, such as soil hardening drought or flood irrigation, resulting in stagnant water in the field, resulting in root damage, insufficient nutrition supply and poor flower bud differentiation. a condition in which pollen is dysplastic or lacking.

Prevention and control measures: in the process of planting, it is not appropriate to let the soil be too dry or water in the field cause root injury. It is suggested to choose sandy soil, ridge cultivation, apply more base fertilizer, improve soil aggregate results, promote nutrient transformation and absorption, and increase fruit setting rate.

4. Nutritional reasons

Many trace elements are directly involved in plant flower bud differentiation and pollen development, such as boron and calcium and other nutrient elements, once the plant lacks them, it will affect flower bud differentiation and pollen dysplasia.

Prevention and treatment measures: pre-budding hormones can supplement a variety of trace elements to prevent the phenomenon of little or no pollen caused by element deficiency.

The above are the reasons for the lack of watermelon pollen and control measures, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please pay attention to us.