
Remedial measures for citrus waterlogging

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Remedial measures for citrus waterlogging

There are many cloudy and rainy days in spring. in the citrus orchards in lowlands and rivers, it is easy to be flooded in spring, and stagnant water can not be eliminated in time. In addition, high groundwater level and high soil water content will cause root system weakness, slow growth and even death. So how to remedy the citrus waterlogging? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Drainage and clean-up

For the damaged orchards, we should dig ditches and open ditches in time, quickly remove the stagnant water, lower the groundwater level as much as possible, accelerate the drying of topsoil, and reduce root damage. For the plants that have been flooded for a long time, it is necessary to prune part of the branches and leaves in time, reduce water evaporation, speed up the comfortable recovery of the roots, and clean up the sludge on the branches and leaves to ensure good photosynthesis and promote plant recovery.

2. Proper pruning

Fruit trees washed down by the flood should be supported and fixed in time, but it should be noted that care should be taken during operation so as not to cause secondary damage to the residual roots. For the roots that fall out of buds due to Rain Water erosion, it is necessary to do a good job of soil mulching and proper pruning of trees to reduce leaf evaporation and prevent leaves from dehydration and death due to increased transpiration.

3. Loosen the soil at the right time

In the citrus orchard after waterlogging, the phenomenon of soil consolidation will also occur after timely drainage, which is extremely disadvantageous to the growth and recovery of the root system, so after drainage, choose a sunny day to loosen the soil at the right time to maintain the soil permeability, enhance the oxygen content of the root system, and promote the plant to recover as soon as possible. At the same time, the soil should be sterilized and disinfected to prevent the occurrence of diseases and insect pests. Lime powder can be used to spread all over the garden.

4. Topdressing in time

After the tree is damaged by waterlogging, the respiration of the root system is weakened because of the damage, and the absorption capacity of the root system to mineral nutrients is weakened, so it is the best way to supplement nutrients when fertilizing outside the root. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate, amino acid, alginic acid, humic acid and other regulating products can be selected for extra-root topdressing, spraying every 5-7 days for 2-3 times. When the tree potential is restored, fertilization in the rhizosphere should be carried out in time, and it is suggested that it should be combined with loosening soil, which can improve the utilization rate of fertilizer and speed up the restoration of trees.

The above is the introduction of the remedial measures for citrus waterlogging. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.