
How to manage the fruiting period of sweet pepper

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, How to manage the fruiting period of sweet pepper

Sweet pepper is now very common in our country, and its planting area is also very large. Management of sweet peppers is very important when planting them. When we manage sweet peppers, we have to adjust the management measures appropriately according to the growth period of sweet peppers. Especially in the fruiting period of sweet pepper, if the management is not good, the impact on its yield is very large. So how do you manage the peppers during fruiting? The following small series will give you a brief introduction. Let's take a look together!

1. Proper ventilation

When planting sweet pepper, proper ventilation and keeping a suitable temperature and humidity are the keys to ensure the fruit setting rate of sweet pepper. After the sweet pepper seedlings slow down, under the premise of ensuring the temperature, ventilation should be tried to avoid too high humidity in the greenhouse. In the early stage, the temperature should be kept at about 30 degrees, and then with the passage of time, the greenhouse temperature should be appropriately reduced. When the sweet pepper flowers and fruits, its temperature gradually drops to about 22 degrees Celsius. Suitable temperature and humidity environment can ensure that sweet pepper plants are short and strong, internodes are short, and fruit setting rate can be improved accordingly.

2. Water and fertilizer management

Sweet pepper leaves are relatively small, so the amount of water evaporation is not very large. Therefore, when watering sweet pepper seedlings after planting, pay attention to controlling the amount of watering. Then try not to water the seedlings until they are harvested. Otherwise, it is easy to cause sweet pepper to drop flowers and fruits. After the first harvest of sweet pepper fruit is harvested, water and fertilizer management should be strengthened, organic fertilizer should be increased appropriately, and the application amount of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer should be increased. Then, appropriate amount of Zhuangdiling can be sprayed on the leaves to reduce the phenomenon of flower and fruit drop, promote fruit expansion, and improve the yield and quality of sweet pepper.

3. Improved lighting

Light is also very important for the growth of sweet pepper. We should pay attention to improving the light sweet pepper during the fruiting period of sweet pepper. Raise the temperature appropriately. If it is cloudy and snowy, you can add fill light in the shed, or hang a reflective film on the back wall to improve the illumination area in the shed. Then pay attention to regular cleaning of the shed film, improve the light transmittance of the shed film, strengthen management, and do a good job of pruning and fork work. Remove redundant branches and leaves from plants, especially those in the inner bore, so as to improve the light exposure rate of leaves and flowers, avoid excessive nutrient consumption, and improve the fruit setting rate.

4. Reduce humidity

The humidity requirements for successful pollination during the flowering season of sweet peppers are very high. Therefore, if you encounter continuous low temperature cloudy environment, then the humidity in the greenhouse is easy to be too large, the development of sweet pepper pollen is blocked, the activity is insufficient, and normal pollination cannot be performed. Therefore, in this kind of weather, according to the weather change, appropriate ventilation cooling humidity, the humidity in the greenhouse will be reduced. Then a proper amount of bees can be released in the greenhouse, which can effectively improve the fruit setting rate of sweet pepper.

The above is a simple introduction to how to manage the sweet pepper fruiting period. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!