
Prevention and treatment of serious fruit drop of star anise

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Prevention and treatment of serious fruit drop of star anise

In the process of star anise planting, farmers often face the phenomenon of star anise fruit drop, which has a serious impact on the yield of star anise and brings great economic losses to farmers. So is there any way to reduce the phenomenon of star anise falling flowers and fruits, so as to increase star anise production? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Reasonable thinning

Overdense forest and insufficient light will cause mutual inhibition of plant growth, which is not conducive to the growth and development of star anise, tree potential stops, there are few fruiting branches, and the permeability of the forest is poor, which is extremely vulnerable to diseases and insect pests. Therefore, for adult forests with a density of more than 40 trees per mu, thinning should be carried out timely, and thinning should be carried out year by year according to the principles of eliminating inferior quality, weak and strong, densification and thinning, and finally retain 30 to 40 trees per mu. Thinning can ensure good forest permeability, improve the growth environment, and play a good role in flowering and fruiting, flower and fruit protection.

2. Weeding and reclamation

The reclamation of star anise woodland is very important for the high yield of star anise, and the growth of weeds and shrubs will seriously consume the nutrients of the forest land, so the forest weeding should be carried out in time in spring and autumn. In addition, land reclamation can also improve soil structure, supplement water sources, promote root growth, thus improve root absorption capacity, promote flower bud differentiation and normal development of young fruits.

3. Formula fertilization

Star anise flowers do not leave branches all the year round, and the nutrient consumption of the tree is relatively large. If the nutrition supply is insufficient, it will cause the imbalance of tree nutrients, affect the growth and development of star anise, and cause a large number of flowers and fruits. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen topdressing in order to maintain the nutrient balance in the plant, but it is also the implementation of soil testing formula fertilization, which can not only meet the nutrient needs of reasonable shoots and flowering, but also a prerequisite to ensure the high and stable yield of star anise. In addition to formula fertilization, it is also necessary to spray foliar fertilizer outside the root, especially some trace elements, in the flower and fruit stage of star anise, which can quickly supplement various nutrients and achieve the purpose of flower and fruit protection.

4. Pest control

The main pests of star anise are weevil, leaf beetle, golden flower bug, ulnar worm and so on, and the main diseases are anthrax, bituminous coal, algal spot, sunburn, powdery mildew and so on. The prevention and control of star anise diseases and insect pests should be based on the principle of prevention and the combination of prevention and control. first of all, the prediction work should be done well. Anthracnose is the most serious among the diseases and insect pests, which can be harmed from seedlings to young trees, rich trees and aging trees. therefore, the control of anthracnose is a very important link in the process of star anise planting.

The above is the introduction of the prevention and control methods of star anise fruit drop. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.