
Death Causes and Control Methods of Pleurotus ostreatus Young Mushroom

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Death Causes and Control Methods of Pleurotus ostreatus Young Mushroom

In the production of Pleurotus ostreatus, due to the unsuitable cultivation environment and culture materials, as well as improper management or disastrous weather, the phenomenon of small mushrooms shrinking, yellowing and finally ending often occurs in the mushroom bed, sometimes causing the death of young mushrooms in batches, seriously affecting the yield and quality. So what is the cause of death of mushroom larvae? Let's take a look at it together with Xiaobian.

1, the temperature is too high

After the formation of Pleurotus ostreatus primordium, if it encounters high temperature of more than 30 degrees, its cap will gradually wither, eventually causing large-scale death of young mushrooms, seriously affecting the yield. In this case, the temperature of mushroom shed should be reasonably controlled. When the temperature is too high during the fruiting period, well water spraying can be adopted to reduce the temperature of mushroom shed. If it is outdoor cultivation, thick straw curtain or straw can be used to cover the mushroom shed to avoid sunlight irradiation. At the same time, frequent ventilation should be paid to reduce the temperature in mushroom shed as much as possible.

2. Lack of water

After the young buds of Pleurotus ostreatus are formed, if the relative air humidity in the mushroom room or mushroom shed is lower than 80%, the young mushrooms will wither and die due to lack of water, because Pleurotus ostreatus has higher requirements for air humidity during the fruiting period. Therefore, it should be sprayed 4-5 times a day in the mushroom shed after budding to keep the air humidity at about 90%, so that the young mushrooms can develop well. However, in the water spray should also pay attention to, as far as possible to do less, uniform, fine, if the amount of water spray is large, it will also lead to young mushroom rot and death, so we must pay attention.

3. Excessive water spraying

Pleurotus ostreatus in the fruiting body expansion period, at this time is also need to maintain a high air humidity, if too much water spray, will lead to rapid expansion of the fruiting body, easy to occur edema, eventually yellow fester, easy to infect bacteria and death. Therefore, when spraying water in the mushroom shed or mushroom house, the water should be evenly sprayed on the ground and surrounding walls, not directly sprayed on the fruit body, and at the same time, the correct amount of water should be mastered, and it should not be sprayed too much.

4. Poor ventilation

In addition to temperature and humidity, ventilation is also one of the important factors affecting the growth and development of young mushrooms. When the indoor carbon dioxide concentration exceeds 0.5%, young mushrooms are easy to form fists or thick stems with small caps. Therefore, in normal times, we should pay attention to ventilation to ensure that the indoor air is fresh, especially in the high temperature season, so as not to form a large number of abnormal mushrooms.

The above is an introduction to the causes of death and prevention methods of Pleurotus ostreatus. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please pay attention to us.