
Matters needing attention in Tomato interplanting

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Matters needing attention in Tomato interplanting

Tomatoes are still very common in our daily lives. Tomatoes taste sour sweet, rich in nutritional value, so it is also welcomed by many people. When planting tomatoes, many people choose to interplant with other vegetables in order to improve seed efficiency. And tomatoes are indeed a vegetable suitable for interplanting. So what should we pay attention to when we interplant tomatoes? The following small series brings you the precautions for tomato interplanting. Let's take a look together!

1. Interplanting time

When interplanting tomatoes, the first thing we should pay attention to is the interplanting time of tomatoes. The interplanting time must not be too early, because the tomatoes of the previous crop can play a role in shading the tomatoes of the next crop. This is especially true in winter, when natural light is very short. For the next crop of tomatoes, their photosynthetic capacity will be greatly affected. It leads to the reduction of carbohydrates in tomato plants, the thin stems of plants, and the phenomenon of excessive growth, which is very unfavorable for the formation of strong seedlings of tomatoes.

2. Disease prevention of vegetables in the last crop

Many people in interplanting tomatoes, think the vegetables in the shed to the late growth stage, its commodity value is not very high. Therefore, the management work was gradually relaxed, resulting in serious diseases in the shed. After interplanting tomato, tomato plants are easily infected with these diseases, thus affecting the growth of tomato, resulting in tomato yield and quality are greatly affected. Therefore, when we interplant tomatoes, whether it is tomatoes or vegetables of the previous crop, the disease prevention and control work needs our attention. To do a good job of regular spraying disease prevention work.

3. Seedlings dipped in root supplement bacteria

When interplanting tomatoes, if the soil is not deep ploughed and disinfected. Then it is easy to produce various soil-borne diseases. There are a large number of germs and eggs in the soil, which lead to various diseases after seedling planting. Therefore, when planting tomato seedlings, we should pay attention to the root irrigation of seedlings, avoid root diseases and enhance the growth ability of roots. However, the types of diseases are very many, so the control methods are also different. Can also be planted in the time, the hole fertilizer, and then with the right amount of total nutrient fertilizer, enhance the resistance of the plant.

4. Completely clear the garden

When planting, if some old and weak plants have been planned to be completely ignored, then they must be pulled out in time and brought out, and do a good job of clearing the garden. When in the garden, make sure to be thorough. Not only must the stems and leaves be removed, but the roots of the plant must also be completely removed. When removing plants, water can be poured first to improve soil porosity. Then, when pulling out, put your foot between the tomato plant and the seedling to avoid damaging the roots of the seedling.

The above is a brief introduction to the precautions for tomato interplanting. Today's introduction is here, this article is for reference only, I hope to help everyone oh!