
Transplanting and Management techniques of early Rice

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Transplanting and Management techniques of early Rice

At present, it is the period of transplanting early rice in the south, and the climate in southern China this year is very favorable for early rice transplanting, and for some time to come, this climate will continue, and the epidemic has already eased. Therefore, experts also advise farmers to seize the time to carry out transplanting work, and also give guidance on early rice transplanting. Let's take a look at it with the editor.

1. sowing and raising seedlings at the right time

With the rise of temperature, all localities should select early rice varieties with high quality, high yield, strong resistance and good adaptability according to local conditions, and prepare for seed drying, seed selection, seed soaking and germination before sowing. Conditional areas can adopt factory centralized seedling raising, when the temperature is stable at 12 degrees that day, avoid rainy days and sow seeds in sunny days. In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the sowing of early rice should be completed before the Qingming Festival as far as possible, while in South China, the favorable weather of the main stem in the near future should speed up the transplanting of seedlings, and the direct seeding fields should pay close attention to the weather changes and sow seeds in time to prevent dead seedlings from rotting.

2. Strengthen seedling management.

Because there are various types of early rice seedling fields in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and there are differences in seedling age or growth period, it is necessary to strengthen the classified management of seedlings according to the actual situation of local seedlings to ensure that strong seedlings go to the fields. When using heat preservation to raise seedlings, it should be timely ventilated to prevent it from happening. in case of continuous high temperature, the film should be ventilated in time to avoid burning seedlings at high temperature. In the rainy and sunny weather, do not suddenly uncover the film, blindly apply urea and other quick-acting fertilizer, should first ventilate the seedling and then uncover the film, the seedling bed should uncover the film while sprinkling or irrigating. When the seedlings are focused on one leaf, the seedlings should be moisturized and strong, so as not to grow too much, and at the same time, attention should be paid to prevent the occurrence of diseases; ventilation and cultivation of strong seedlings should be carried out in the two-leaf period, and the cover should be covered day and night during the three-leaf period, and be drenched with low concentration urea before transplanting.

3. Timely transplanting

When the temperature is stable at 15 degrees, clear seedlings will be planted, and transplanting will be completed in South China before and after the Qingming Festival, and the rejuvenating medicine will be sprayed 5-7 days after transplanting. If it is a machine-inserted field block to improve the quality of ploughing and whole field, the field block should be solid before transplanting, so that it should be planted early, shallow and densified properly, while manual planting or throwing field block should ensure the planting density and improve the uniformity. For the direct seeding field, the field management should be strengthened according to the situation of sowing and emergence.

4. Strengthen the management after planting.

Tiller fertilizer should be well applied at the tillering stage of early rice, especially in South China, and strong tiller fertilizer should be applied to the fields with the first tillering fertilizer to promote early growth and rapid development. For the fields in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, the basic fertilizer can be applied with 5 kg of pure nitrogen per mu, tiller fertilizer and urea 4 kg per mu 5-7 days after planting. At the same time, we should do a good job of persuading en management to transplant rice seedlings in thin water, turn green in shallow water, and moist to promote tillering.

The above is the introduction of early rice transplanting and management techniques, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.