
Causes and control measures of yellow leaves of Passion Fruit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Causes and control measures of yellow leaves of Passion Fruit

In recent years, passion fruit has become a popular planting project, and there are many people who follow the trend, but there are also many problems, among which golden passion fruit has leaf yellowing in many areas. Some people say it is caused by deficiency, while others say it is caused by disease, so what is going on? Let's get to know it with the editor.

1. Anthrax

Anthracnose is one of the main causes of yellow leaves of golden passion fruit in early spring. it is very serious in high-temperature, rainy and humid places in summer, which is very easy to harm passion fruit and branches and leaves. In the early stage of the disease, small light brown spots will appear on the leaves, and expand in a short time, brown or dark brown. After the fruit suffers from anthrax, the appearance quality decreases, seriously reduces the commodity value, and sometimes cannot be eaten, resulting in great losses.

Prevention and control measures: do a good job in the pruning of the orchard to avoid the closure and dampness of the orchard, which is beneficial to the spring sowing of germs. Pyrazole grease can be sprayed before the rainy season, once every 7-10 days, twice in a row. In the early stage of the disease, the diseased leaves can be removed, and 800 times of prochloraz + 25% pyrazolyl ester can be used for prevention and treatment.

2. Virus disease

The sensitivity of golden passion fruit to virus disease is lower than that of purple fruit, but it does not mean that it will not get virus disease. Passion fruit virus disease can be mixed in many ways, and the leaves will be affected by yellowing, mottling, wrinkling and other phenomena, which seriously affect the photosynthesis of passion fruit and hinder the transformation and absorption of nutrients.

Prevention and control methods: prevention and control should start from the source, should choose non-toxic and healthy seedlings, at the same time to control aphids, avoid vector transmission, pruning different plants is, scissors should be disinfected. Avoid interplanting melons and fruits, Solanaceae and herbaceous crops, and reduce the source of virus infection.

3. Damage to the root

In the rainy season, heavy rainfall, and passion fruit is a shallow root crop, after soaking by Rain Water, it is very easy to rett root damage, affecting the absorption of trace elements, the leaves are extremely vulnerable to wilting, yellowing and poor drainage of the orchard is prone to the outbreak of stem rot, resulting in plant death.

Prevention and control methods: do a good job of drainage, let others maintain the maximum degree of ventilation, prevent the occurrence of passion fruit root diseases, at the same time, do a good job of root care after rain, and do a good job of root care in time. It can be irrigated with dimethrin or early frosting. The ability of fruit trees to absorb nutrients in the soil decreases after rain, so don't rush to use fertilizer after recovery.

The above is the introduction of the causes and control measures of golden passion fruit leaves yellowing. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more about it, please follow us.