
Matters needing attention in autumn planting of passion fruit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Matters needing attention in autumn planting of passion fruit

Passion fruit is a good time to grow in autumn, so that it can be listed early in the coming year, stagger a large number of time on the market, and have a greater advantage in price, so many farmers will choose to plant passion fruit in autumn. But autumn planting is also to pay attention to a lot of problems, the following with the editor to take a look at passion fruit autumn seed points for attention.

1. Planting time

The climate of the whole country is different at the same time, so the time of autumn planting is also different in different places. taking the south as an example, the average temperature is much higher than that in the north, and even in many areas, the temperature is still very high in winter, so the planting time for autumn seeds is from September to November. Neither too early nor too late.

2. Pay attention to the selection of fruit seedlings

There are many varieties of passion fruit, and each variety has different cold resistance. For example, Tainong No. 1 and Zixiang No. 1 have stronger cold resistance than Mantianxing and Golden Fruit. Therefore, the variety selection style of fruit seedlings is very critical, although the price of golden passion fruit, but higher requirements for planting technology, beginners need to observe more when planting. And the fruit noodles should also choose high-quality and healthy ones, generally speaking, the seedlings with developed roots, strong plants and no diseases and insect pests have a higher survival rate.

3. Pay attention to frost and irrigation

Planting in autumn, which is approaching winter, often brings frost harm, and passion fruit seedlings are afraid of frost, so we need to take preventive measures to cover the bud head with newspaper before the frost, or to build a shed in advance to keep warm against the cold. It rains less in autumn and the climate is relatively dry, so we should pay attention to watering. Passion fruit is not only afraid of stagnant water, but also afraid of drought. After seedling transplanting, we must irrigate enough fixed root water and replenish water in time.

4. Pay attention to diseases and insect pests

When passion fruit is planted and harmed by rats and underground pests, the roots of seedlings are easily bitten off, resulting in lack of seedlings and broken ridges, so deep ploughing and ploughing should be done before planting to destroy the hidden places of underground pests and control diseases in time when diseases are found. After a year of planting, the orchard will more or less have a certain virus, so the new seedlings should not be mixed with old seedlings, and try to avoid being infected by the surrounding virus-infected passion orchards.

The above is the introduction of passion fruit autumn seeds, hope to help you, want to know more related knowledge, please follow us.