
Domestic flowers are watered to death. Summarize the 6 key points of watering flowers.

Published: 2024-09-21 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/21, Domestic flowers are watered to death. Summarize the 6 key points of watering flowers.

Potted flower watering is a regular management work in the process of flower cultivation, which is common but very important, and should be paid attention to by flower growers. It is particularly important that watering should master the principle of "seeing thousands of wet" pots, which not only meets the needs of flowers for water, but also maintains the oxygen content in the soil, so that flowers grow normally. Specifically, to water flowers, you must master the six major points in this article.

1. Water quality

Water is divided into hard water and soft water according to the condition of salt, and soft water is suitable for watering flowers. Rainwater (or snow water) is the most ideal in natural water, because rainwater is a kind of near-neutral water, does not contain minerals, and contains more air, which is most suitable for flower growth. The next best thing is to use river water or pond water. If tap water is used, it must be stored for 1~2 days to allow chlorine in the water to dissipate before use. Be careful not to use washing water containing soap or detergent and dishwashing water containing oil to water flowers.

2. Water temperature

Use well water or tap water to irrigate flowers. In summer, it should be stored for 1-2 days to increase the water temperature and reduce the temperature difference between water temperature and basin soil. If cold water is poured directly under strong sun exposure, the soil temperature suddenly decreases, so that the root hair is stimulated, which will hinder the normal absorption of water, resulting in "physiological drought", causing leaves to wither, and in severe cases, it will lead to plant death.

3, according to the season watering

Spring and autumn in the morning at 10~11 or 3~4 pm, summer should take advantage of the morning or evening when the temperature is low, winter in the afternoon at 1-2 o 'clock watering, choose the day with the sun better. The watering quantity should be consistent from the basin surface to the bottom of the basin. Water temperature and soil temperature should be close to the principle, slightly higher in winter, slightly lower in summer, but the temperature difference between water and soil should not exceed 5. If the water temperature is too low, it is easy to inhibit the normal growth of the roots, especially when the growth of the roots of flowers is vigorous, it will make the physiological disorder of flowers, and the growth will stop suddenly, resulting in deciduous leaves, fallen flowers and fallen fruits.

4. Watering according to climate

High temperature or windy days should be watered more; low temperature or cloudy days should be watered less; rainy days less or no watering; too much rain when potted plants to cover; water when pouring basin to water Some flower leaves, leaf clusters and so on need to dry, watering time should be placed in the light or high temperature, can let the water stuck in the leaves evaporate quickly, but most flowers have no special requirements.

5. Watering according to flower habits and growth

Some flowers that are afraid of heat (such as cyclamen, fuchsia, etc.) and flowers that like humidity (such as azaleas, orchids, camellia, etc.) need to spray water on the leaves and the surrounding environment of the plants frequently, so that the air also maintains a considerable humidity, which is very beneficial to its growth and development. Tropical orchids, araceae, bromeliaceae flowers and ferns also need regular spraying. Some flowers are very sensitive to moisture, such as pittosporum, lotus flower, etc., their leaf surface has thick hair, falling water is not easy to evaporate, easy to cause leaf decay. In short, wet flowers can be watered more; drought-tolerant flowers should be watered less; flowers with large soft leaves should be watered more; flowers with small waxy leaves should be watered less; herbaceous flowers should be watered more, woody flowers should be watered less.

Seedlings and delicate flowers as well as the new pot has not yet taken root cuttings should be properly sprayed with more water. Watering more in vigorous growth period; watering less in dormant and slow growth period; watering more in bud pregnancy; watering less in full bloom.

6. Do not water too much

If potted plants are watered too much, water fills the soil gaps, and the air in the soil is replaced by water, causing oxygen deficiency in the soil. Root tissues will have difficulty breathing due to oxygen deficiency.

Metabolic function reduced, water absorption, fertilizer absorption blocked, long-term flowers will suffocate death. Scientific experiments have shown that if the oxygen content in the soil is less than 10%, it will inhibit the absorption of flower roots, which will affect the physiological function of the whole plant. At the same time, due to the lack of oxygen in the soil, the normal activities of aerobic microorganisms such as nitrifying bacteria and ammoniating bacteria with the function of decomposing organic matter in the soil are blocked, and the organic matter in the soil cannot be decomposed effectively, thus affecting the supply of mineral nutrients. Due to the lack of oxygen in the soil, anaerobic microorganisms such as butyric acid bacteria multiply and move in large quantities, producing a series of toxic substances that directly poison the roots and cause root poisoning death.