
What is the nutritional value and efficacy of pears? Pears are suitable / not suitable for anyone to eat

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Autumn is thick, and it is the best season to eat pears. What does the pear taste like? What kind of nutritional value do you want to know? Let's have a look! Pears taste crisp, juicy and slightly sweet, with a sour and astringent taste.

Autumn is thick, and it is the best season to eat pears. What does the pear taste like? What kind of nutritional value do you want to know? Let's have a look!

The pear tastes crisp and juicy, with a slightly sweet taste, with sour and astringent taste, and a variety of flavors, so it is known as the "hundred fruits" among many fruits. At the same time, pears are good for moistening dryness and relieving thirst, so they have a nickname for "natural mineral water".

In addition to having a rich taste, it is rich in highly nutritious ingredients: protein, fat, carbohydrates, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, malic acid, citric acid, fructose, sucrose, grape essence, vitamin B1, B2, C and other organic ingredients. There are also potassium, boron, calcium, magnesium, selenium, iron, manganese and other inorganic components and cellulose.


Potassium ◎ contributes to the normal operation of human cells and tissues and regulates blood pressure.

◎ pears contain boron to prevent osteoporosis in women. When boron is sufficient, memory, attention and mental acuity will be improved.

◎ vitamin C can protect cells and enhance the activity of white blood cells, which is beneficial to the maintenance of skin elasticity and luster and wound healing.

◎ pears are rich in water-soluble fiber pectin, which helps to digest and clean the intestines, effectively improve long-term constipation and prevent colon and rectal cancer.

◎ lignin can dissolve in the intestines to form a colloid-like film, which can bind to cholesterol in the intestines and eliminate it.

◎ pears are rich in fiber. On average, a pear contains 5 grams of fiber, which is equivalent to 1 gram of fiber needed by the human body every day. Fiber can help the intestines and stomach reduce the absorption of fat, and it is easy to make people feel full and reduce the amount of food eaten, thus achieving the effect of diet control.

In addition, it also has sedative and antihypertensive effects, such as coronary heart disease, hypertension, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and other patients with dizziness, palpitations and tinnitus. In addition, it can protect the liver, aid digestion and increase appetite in patients with hepatitis. And the effect of nourishing yin and replenishing fluid, moistening lung and relieving cough, nourishing blood and promoting muscle, clearing heat and reducing fire.

Although pear ​​ has so many edible benefits, there are still some suggestions:

1. Cough with thick phlegm or no sputum, itchy throat, chronic bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, hypertension, heart disease, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, especially for those who drink alcohol or have a hangover.

2. Patients with chronic enteritis, stomach cold and diabetes should avoid eating raw pears.

3, pear sex cold helps dampness, eat more will hurt spleen and stomach, so spleen and stomach deficiency cold, fear of cold food should eat less.

4. Pears with more fruit acid and stomach acid should not be eaten more.

5. Pears have the effect of diuresis. For those who urinate frequently at night, eat less pears before going to bed.

6. Patients with blood deficiency, cold fear, diarrhea and cold hands and feet should not eat more pears, and it is best to cook them before eating to prevent the symptoms of dampness and cold from getting worse.

7. Pears contain high amounts of sugar, so people with diabetes should be careful.

8. Pears contain a lot of fruit acid and should not be used with alkaline drugs, such as aminophylline, baking soda and so on. Pears should not be eaten with crabs to avoid causing diarrhea.

9. Sweet pears with too high sugar content should not be selected for relieving cough and resolving phlegm.

In addition, some studies have pointed out that smoking or eating barbecue can easily accumulate a large amount of strong carcinogen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the body, and the content of 1-hydroxypyrene in the blood can be brought out through urine after eating pears. Heated pear juice contains more anti-cancer substance polyphenols, which is more effective in cancer prevention.

In this rich season, Leqi Fruit Fair encourages you to buy more and eat more, take advantage of the opportunity to recuperate your physique, and enjoy high-quality fruit!