
Measures to improve the utilization rate of pig feed

Published: 2024-09-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/06, Measures to improve the utilization rate of pig feed

Pig is a very important breeding project in our country. When raising pigs, if we want to reduce the cost of pig breeding and improve the efficiency of pig breeding, then we should first start from the aspect of feed. Only when the utilization rate of pig feed is improved, can the breeding benefit of pigs be effectively improved. So how can we improve the utilization rate of pig feed? The following editor has brought you measures to improve the utilization rate of pig feed, let's have a look!

1. Physiological needs of pigs

In the process of pig growth, the demand for nutrition and food intake are directly related to pig breeds, environment and feed quality. Therefore, when we feed, if we want to improve the feed conversion rate, then we should provide appropriate feed varieties according to the growth stage of pigs to ensure the intake of pigs. In many pig farms in China, there is a phenomenon that the feed intake of pigs is lower than the theoretical level. In particular, the feed intake of finishing pigs will have a great impact on the feed conversion rate. Therefore, according to the actual situation of pigs, we should formulate a reasonable feed formula to ensure the growth of pigs in different stages and improve the feed conversion rate.

2. Reasonable selection of feed

When choosing feed, we should not only consider the price of feed, but also pay attention to the proportion of nutrition and palatability. It is necessary to give priority to feed materials with high nutritional value and affordable. If the feed intake of pigs is low, then we should pay attention to the concentration of available energy in feed raw materials. If the energy is on the low side, it is very disadvantageous to the comprehensive economic benefits of pigs. Therefore, when we choose feed raw materials, we should first consider the content of nutritional value in feed, and then consider the price. In addition, in order to improve the feed conversion rate, some feed additives can be added to the feed, but not blindly.

3. Prevent feed from deteriorating

If the feed is moldy or contaminated, it will have a great impact on the properties of the feed. Because moldy feed will produce a large number of mycotoxins and various harmful substances, which will have a great impact on the growth and production performance of pigs. As a result, the conversion rate of feed is reduced, and in serious cases, it can lead to the death of pigs. Therefore, when we buy feed, we should pay attention to the quality of feed and detect the toxins of harmful substances in feed. Do not choose inferior feed in order to be cheap, and then do a good job in the storage and transportation of feed to avoid feed deterioration. The spoiled feed should be dealt with in time and should not be fed.

4. Breeding environment

The feeding environment of pigs also has a great impact on feed conversion rate. Especially the temperature, the temperature is very low in winter, if the temperature of the pigsty is lower than the external temperature, then the energy consumption of the pig will increase. If the food intake remains the same, then the amount of feed used for weight gain will be reduced, resulting in a decrease in feed conversion rate. If the temperature is too high, it will lead to loss of appetite of pigs, but also lead to heat stress, affecting the physiological functions of pigs. Naturally, it will also lead to a decrease in feed conversion rate. in addition, excessive feeding density and poor sanitary conditions will affect the feed conversion rate of pigs.

The above is a brief introduction of the measures to improve the utilization rate of pig feed. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can help you all.