
Matters needing attention in fertilization of Peanut

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Matters needing attention in fertilization of Peanut

Peanut cultivation is very common in China, the nutritional value of peanuts is very high, when planting peanuts, management is very important. Especially in the work of fertilization, rational fertilization can provide nutrition for peanut growth, and it is also the key to ensure the robust growth of peanut. However, when fertilizing peanuts, there are many things we need to pay more attention to. So the editor brings you some notes on peanut fertilization today. Let's take a look at it together.

1. Application of base fertilizer

In the early stage of peanut growth, the number of root nodules is very small, and its nitrogen fixation capacity will be relatively poor. After entering the middle and later stage, it is not suitable to apply fertilizer after the fruit needle is buried in the soil, so we need to pay more attention to the application of sufficient base fertilizer. The proportion of peanut base fertilizer accounts for about 80% of the total fertilizer, and it is also the main way to fertilize peanut. Its fertilizer is mainly farm manure, and the more base fertilizer, the greater its yield. For the land with high soil fertility, the effect of base fertilizer is more obvious. To ensure the application of organic fertilizer can ensure the yield.

2. Pay attention to nitrogen fertilizer

In the process of peanut growth, nitrogen absorption is mainly absorbed by rhizobium nitrogen fixation. If peanuts lack nitrogen, the leaves are prone to yellowing and the stems will turn red. This leads to a decrease in the number of rhizobium, resulting in poor plant growth and a decrease in yield. However, we should also pay attention to control the application of nitrogen fertilizer, if excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer, it is easy to lead to peanut overgrowth, so that peanut lodging phenomenon, but also affect the yield of peanuts, quality will also decline.

3. Balanced fertilization

Balanced fertilization is also something we should pay more attention to when fertilizing peanuts. When applying fertilizer, we should pay attention to controlling the proportion of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other fertilizers, and apply them together reasonably. And we also need to match iron, boron and other trace element fertilizers reasonably according to the fertility of the soil. Because peanuts in the growth process of the demand for trace elements is relatively large, if the lack of trace elements, then it is easy to lead to a variety of peanut deficiency, thus affecting the yield and quality of peanuts, so we must pay more attention.

4. Apply more calcium fertilizer

Peanut is also a calcium-loving leguminous crop, and calcium is also critical to the growth of peanut. It is very beneficial to the growth and development of peanut roots and nodules. It can promote the formation of peanut pods and improve their plumpness. At the same time, it can also reduce the empty shell rate of peanuts and increase the yield. And calcium can also regulate the pH of the soil, improve the growth environment of peanuts, and improve the vitality of microorganisms in the soil. Therefore, reasonable application of nitrogen fertilizer is very beneficial to the yield and quality of peanuts.

The above is a brief introduction to the matters needing attention in peanut fertilization. That's all for today's introduction. This article is for reference only. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.